Ali Abdul Karim Ali
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March 14 Memo to Suleiman Calls for Salvation Govt., Expulsion of Syrian Ambassador

The head of the Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc MP Fouad Saniora handed on Tuesday President Michel Suleiman a March 14 memo that reiterates the opposition’s call for the expulsion of Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali and the control of the Lebanese border with Syria through U.N. help.

The memorandum also called for the formation of a national salvation government and filing a complaint to the Arab League over Syria’s repeated border violations.

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Report: Syrian Shelling of Akkar Linked to Samaha Case, Calls for Syrian Ambassador’s Expulsion

The recent shelling of the northern region of Akkar from the Syrian side of the border is linked to the arrest of former minister Michel Samaha and the demands to expel Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali, reported the daily An Nahar on Saturday.

Sources concerned with the situation explained to the daily: “No security incident preceded the shelling, which means that it is linked to the tense situation caused by the calls to expel Ali and the arrest of Samaha.”

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March 14 to Hand Suleiman Memorandum over Syrian Violations

The March 14 alliance is preparing a memorandum to hand over to President Michel Suleiman over Syria’s repeated violations against Lebanon, An Nahar newspaper reported on Friday.

According to the daily, the memo will address the case of ex-Minister Michel Samaha, who was accused along with head of the Syrian National Security Bureau Ali Mamlouk and a Syrian officer identified as Brig. Gen. Adnan of plotting to assassinate political and religious figures in Lebanon and carry out terrorist attacks.

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Jumblat Says March 8 to Increase 'Valium' Intake over Feltman-Khamenei Meeting

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat mocked March 8 majority leaders for needing anti-depressant pills after U.N. Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman met with Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“What was the impact of Sayyed Khamenei’s meeting of Feltman on some March 8 members?” Jumblat wondered in remarks published in An Nahar daily on Friday.

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Syrian Ambassador on Calls for his Expulsion: They are Meaningless Demands

Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali hoped on Thursday that all Lebanese factions would resort to internal dialogue for the sake of their country and Lebanese-Syrian ties.

He said of calls for his expulsion: “Such desires are meaningless.”

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PSP to Rally in Support of Syrian People, Expulsion of Syrian Ambassador

Progressive Socialist Party is scheduled to hold a popular rally on Friday afternoon near Samir Kassir Square in downtown Beirut in solidarity with the Syrian people and to demand the expulsion of the Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali.

“This rally comes in support of the political stances that are biased in favor of the Syrian people and to denounce the persistent of the killing machine,” the party’s media officer, Rami al-Rayyes, told the daily on Thursday.

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March 14 Student Bodies Rally at Foreign Ministry to Demand Syrian Ambassador’s Expulsion

Various March 14 student and youth organizations held a rally on Wednesday in front of the Foreign Ministry headquarters in the Ashrafiyeh district in Beirut to demand the expulsion of Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali.

The organizers said the demo was staged to “protest the security chaos and demand the release of the abductees and detainees in Syrian prisons and the expulsion of Syrian Ambassador Ali Abdul Karim Ali.”

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Mustaqbal Calls for Expulsion of Syrian Ambassador over His ‘Crimes’ in Lebanon

The Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc noted on Tuesday that the facts released by the media over the case of former minister Michel Samaha and Syrian security chief Ali al-Mamlouk revealed the “extent of the Syrian regime’s involvement” in destabilizing Lebanon.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “The revelations require the expulsion of Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali because he had proven his involvement in covering up and participating in crimes in Lebanon.”

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Opposition to March to Foreign Ministry over Government Inaction

The March 14 alliance’s youth movement is scheduled to march on Wednesday to the Foreign Ministry in Ashrafiyeh to protest the government’s failure to deal with several issues that have spiraled out of control.

According to An Nahar newspaper published on Tuesday, the youth movement’s rally is aimed at protesting the security chaos in Lebanon, exerting efforts to release the Lebanese abductees in Syria, ending the fighting in the northern city of Tripoli, and halting the spread of illegal arms over Lebanese territories.

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Ali: Lebanon Must Fortify its Internal Scene, Avoid Complying with Int'l Pressure on Syria

Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali hoped that Lebanon would fortify its border with Syria and prevent the smuggling of arms and infiltration of gunmen into Syrian territory, reported al-Nour radio on Thursday.

He told the radio: “Lebanon must fortify its internal scene and avoid responding to international pressure on Syria.”

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