France to Deliver Weapons to Lebanon Soon under Controversial Arms Deal

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The Army leadership reportedly received confirmation from the concerned French authorities that they will start shipping $3 billion worth of weapons paid for by Saudi Arabia to the Lebanese military in April.

According to An Nahar newspaper published on Thursday, French officials contacted high-ranking military officials recently and informed them that the first batch of arms will be delivered soon.

Saudi Arabia and France inked the deal in Riyadh in November.

The deal also includes training programs for the Lebanese army run by the French military.

It aims to boost Lebanon's military as it struggles to contain the rising tide of violence linked to the civil war in neighboring Syria.

However, As Safir newspaper reported that logistic and technical obstacles are delaying the delivery of the French arms despite confirmation by al-Mustaqbal leader Saad Hariri that the deal is still on.

The daily said that Lebanon hasn't been officially informed of any arms shipment to Lebanon from Paris.

Sources told the newspaper that the army has what it needs from advanced weapons to combat the terrorist groups, adding that it is fully capable of controlling Lebanon's eastern border with Syria and prevent armed men from infiltrating the country.

As Safir newspaper reported that Washington informed senior Lebanese officials that it will not let Lebanon slip into chaos, adding that it will aid it in its battle against terrorism.

Lebanese officials told the newspaper that high-ranking U.S. military officials visited and will keep on traveling to Beirut to boost the army's capabilities.

Saudi Arabia last year announced it would give the Lebanese army $3 billion to purchase weapons and equipment from France, but that deal has yet to be fully implemented.

In August, the kingdom offered another $1 billion in funds to allow the army to purchase supplies immediately.

Washington has also sought to bolster Lebanon's military, and recently announced it had delivered a new shipment of Hellfire missiles and would also supply light aircraft.

The pledges and arms deliveries come as several allies of Lebanon step up efforts to bolster its armed forces as the threat from jihadists in the region grows.



Comments 4
Thumb Mystic 05 March 2015, 08:26

Soon? Again they claim it.

Thumb marcus 05 March 2015, 09:04

Mystic needs an invitation to see the weapons arrive at Beirut port. I am sure he will know the minute they arrive because the port is controlled by his Amal mafia.
منياً، علمت "النهار" من مصادر عسكرية ان قيادة الجيش تلقّت أول من أمس اتصالاً من السلطات الفرنسية المعنية أبلغتها في انها ستبدأ بإرسال دفعة من الأسلحة التي يحتاج اليها الجيش والتي كان قدّم بها لائحة الى الفرنسيين.
وعلم أيضاً ان الجيش قد استفاد كثيراً في معركته على الحدود من المساعدات الأميركية التي تسلمها، وهي من الهبات الدورية التي تصل قيمتها سنوياً الى مئة مليون دولار، وبلغت في العقد الأخير ملياراً ومئتي مليون دولار أميركي. كما استفاد من الأسلحة والذخائر التي تأمٰنت له بسرعة، من خلال الحصة المخصصة له في هبة المليار دولار التي قدمتها المملكة العربية السعودية بعد معركة عرسال، وهي ٥٥٠ مليون دولار أميركي.

Thumb marcus 05 March 2015, 09:05

وأشارت المصادر الى ان البريطانيين أنشأوا للجيش أبراج مراقبة ودربوا أفراده على استخدام تقنياتها المتطورة التي تسمح بمراقبة الحدود من بعد، وهي منتشرة على طول الجبهة المتبقية أمام الجيش على الحدود، وهي جرود عرسال والفاكهة والقاع.
وأكدت المصادر العسكرية ان الجيش بات يملك كل ما يحتاج اليه من أسلحة متطورة في حربه ضد المجموعات الإرهابية، وهو في جهوزية تامة لضبط الحدود الشرقية قدر الإمكان، ومنع تسلل او فرار المسلحين جراء أي معركة يتوقٰع ان تحصل داخل الاراضي السورية ضد المجموعات المسلحة.

Thumb freedomarch 06 March 2015, 03:45

Yeah Right :)