Suleiman: I Haven’t Demanded Anything and Others Should be Questioned over Delay in Cabinet Formation

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

President Michel Suleiman stressed that there are no more disagreements over the government formation now that the dispute over the Interior Ministry has been resolved, adding that other sides are responsible for creating obstacles.

He said: “Some sides believe that they are entitled to the Defense, Health, and Education portfolios that they will demand ten ministries, including nine portfolios.”

Informed sources over Suleiman’s position told An Nahar in remarks published on Sunday that the obstacle of the Interior Ministry “that was linked to the President no longer exists” as an agreement was reached between him and FPM leader MP Michel Aoun to appoint retired general Marwan Charbel to the position.

“The constitution does not speak of shares, but mechanisms,” they continued.

“A president has never demanded a share. All he asked was for a neutral figure to take over the Interior Ministry due to the critical role its plays,” they added.

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