Kidnapped Turk: My Freedom is Linked to Meqdad’s Release
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A Turkish businessman kidnapped by al-Meqdad clan last month warned that his situation was “tragic” and appealed to his government to exert stronger efforts to release a Lebanese man abducted in Damascus so that he could go free.
In a short interview with An Nahar daily’s reporter from the place of his captivity, a frail-looking Tekin Tufan said: “I am tired and confused and trying to find out what’s happening around me.”
“I knew that my country’s government is exerting efforts to resolve the issue of the kidnapped and several days ago I read in the paper that one of the Lebanese abducted in Syria was released,” he said in the interview that was published on Sunday.
He was referring to the release of one of the 11 Lebanese pilgrims held hostage by the rebel Free Syrian Army since May, Hussein Ali Omar, who last week crossed the border on foot to Turkey and returned to Lebanon aboard a plane.
The remaining 10 men are still being held by their kidnappers who snatched the pilgrims in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo near the Turkish border on May 22 when they were returning from a pilgrimage to Iran.
Syrian rebel fighters also seized Hassan al-Meqdad in Damascus, a move that led to a kidnapping spree by his clan in Lebanon.
The family’s military wing seized several Syrians and Tekin. Another Turkish man has also disappeared but no side claimed responsibility for his abduction.
Turkey is a staunch supporter of the FSA whose leadership is based there.
“If they don’t release Hassan al-Meqdad then I won’t go free,” Tufan warned during the seven-minute interview.
Asked about his conditions, he replied they were “tragic.”
His appeal through An Nahar came as the man reiterated in another interview aired by al-Mayadeen television station that the release of al-Meqdad is tied to his own.

Screw mokdad and the gang and their 3acha2ir mentalities. These outlaws have created an action whose ripple effects could haunt us for years. I say arrest them and judge these outlaws.

ghabi, the ones FSA captured were fighters, hizbolla members and revolutionary guard operatives.
These goons are clearly under hizbolla's command, nasralla claims he has no control over them yet at the same time he tells us he can shake the ground underneat the israelis...even though these idiots are playing in his own backyard...
stop being a ghabi please, lebanon needs smart people.

Maybe because Syria is undergoing a civil war and it is the law of the jungle over there right now and any Lebanese or Iranian in Syria now will be suspected for being involved in the civil war aiding one side or another.
But Lebanon on the other hand is not in a civil war and the Government is supposed to be in charge of all things (not Military wings of Clans). We had thousands kidnapped in Syria before their civil war and no clans started kidnapping Syrians.

No , I wont say arrest them, I will say kill them all or send them to Afghanistan

This is just great for the Lebanese image,We are now a failed state because of this.
And what dose the "Turkish citizen" has anything with the kidnapped of Mokdad!!!? or the real reason of this poor man kidnap has to do with Turkish ppl BEING the # 1 tourist...and now they don't come to lebanon?

The Moqdead family have been used as a cover by Hezb Iran ,sooner or later is Assad will be gone and so do Hezb Iran & the Moqdead family ..