Army Captain Injured in Foiled BLOM Robbery in Metn

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The attempt of two armed men to rob a BLOM Bank branch in the North Metn area was thwarted by a Lebanese army captain who was injured in the incident, the National News Agency reported Thursday.

The Army Command later confirmed the incident, saying that Captain Ryan al-Jerdi’s injuries are serious.

NNA said the men arrived on a motorcycle and entered the Elissar-Beit el-Kiko branch to rob it but failed to do so when al-Jerdi, who was using the ATM machine, confronted them.

The gunmen opened fire and severely injured him, the agency said.

They later escaped onboard motorcycles and efforts are underway to arrest them and bring them to justice, said the Army Command.

The robbers were wearing helmets and jogging suits.

Al-Jerdi was taken to Serhal hospital where he underwent surgery to remove the four bullets he was shot with, said NNA, denying some media reports that he died from the wounded he sustained.

Comments 15
Missing roger@10452 09 August 2012, 15:44

your brain cells have expired!!!

Default-user-icon hats off to you, sir (Guest) 09 August 2012, 18:01

roger@10452 so noble of you giving him brain cells.

Default-user-icon MJ (Guest) 09 August 2012, 18:03

mowaten you mean aping right, Bubbles.

Thumb makhaleh 09 August 2012, 23:22 was probably HA since they need the cash w iran isnt giving them enough...go stick ur head up your leaders A.S.S you loser and take off the lebanese flag...u dont deserve to be called lebanese u thug

Missing toivas 09 August 2012, 15:45


Thumb fadi_albeiruti 09 August 2012, 16:04

May you rest in peace captain, you're a true hero.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 09 August 2012, 16:34

WOW, now they changed the story to he was wounded, well which one is it? Either way the captain is a hero.

Thumb makhaleh 09 August 2012, 23:26

ma the mishikleh is innou i wrote RIP not even a minute ago then i realized innou hes not dead so thank god hes ok

Default-user-icon Mehdi (Guest) 09 August 2012, 16:22

One of the killers is a Z3eiter from the Z3eitriyeh, a saint.

Missing youssefhaddad 09 August 2012, 17:09

These criminals will be caught if they do not happen to have a nice safe place to run to that is inaccessible to the security forces.

Default-user-icon ABC (Guest) 09 August 2012, 19:25

its Zyan El Jurdi NOT Ryan

Thumb makhaleh 09 August 2012, 23:24

you do have a heart FT and i respect that allah yir7amo

Missing simplelogic 10 August 2012, 00:12

Mowaten...take a hike. You have no business speaking. You support thugs, terror, and hegemony and you come here and blame the LF. Samir Geagea had nothing to do with this nor did anyone in the Ouweit. You have absolutely no proof and there are absolutely no motives portraying any LF ideas. As for your friends HZB, Syria, and Iran they are behind this. Why? Because the Metn is a relatively calmer and safer place with much less arms if any compared to you Dahyieh brethren. It is very easy to come to a predominantly Christian area and start robbing banks to cause civil strife. I further would not be surprised if Mr. Aoun and his joke of a step-son gave the green light. So please, just because you support a bunch of uneducated, fanatic, illegal, and ruthless thugs, that does not give you the right to tarnish a group that supports freedom, democracy, and most important civility...You do know what that means right?

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 10 August 2012, 06:19

I could't have said it any better simplelogic.

Default-user-icon Imad (Guest) 10 August 2012, 15:14

I've read the whole string you people wrote, and I find it just sad that you demean each other as Lebanese. I've not read any previous history between you all, but in this thread, I've seen a couple of shreds of civility, but especially from the Mouwaten guy.
You all seem to be educated people (prove me correct). Have a proper dialogue instead of anonymously trashing each other through email threads here. And for the love of God, STOP..I mean STOP propagating that stupid stuff they propagate on Lebanese TV stations as a sorry excuse for what "NEWS" is. You want a real take on what is going on in the region? Go read Pepe Escobar.....

Salut ya ikhwanna illibneneeyyi......and BEFORE you start trashing me (the bulk of you as "another Hezbollah lover), I am Christian....and I can't stand that dimwit idiot who's a sorry excuse for an Electricity Minister.....nor his father in law. Hmmm, let me rephrase: I can't stand ALLL of them......that's why we're all out HERE!