March 14 to Syrian People: Democracy in Syria Will Guarantee Lebanon’s Independence

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The March 14 General Secretariat praised on Wednesday the Syrian National Council’s open letter to the Lebanese people, saying that a free and independent Syria’s recognition of a sovereign Lebanon is the only way to rebuild solid Lebanese-Syrian ties based on trust and cooperation.

It said in a letter to the Syrian people: “Democratic change in Syria will mark an historic opportunity for its development and guarantee Lebanon’s independence.”

The general secretariat made its statement after its weekly meeting.

It continued: “History has demonstrated the importance of democracy in Syria in maintaining Lebanon’s independence and sovereignty.”

“The diversity of the Lebanese and Syrian people is a source of strength for them and we look forward to them playing a vital role in the Arab world,” it said.

Furthermore, it noted that the rise of democratic states in Lebanon and Syria will help the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

“The independence of these countries will help curb terrorism in the region, starting with Israel’s, and pave the way for the birth of a new Arab system based on diversity and democracy,” it stressed.

“The March 14 forces are proud that the Beirut’s 2005 Cedar Revolution was the first spark of the Arab Spring in that it ousted the oppressive Syrian region from Lebanon, paving the way for the current Syrian revolution,” it added.

Last week, the Syrian National Council issued an open letter to the Lebanese people, calling, among other things, for the revision of agreements between the two countries and the dissolution of the Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council.

Comments 16
Default-user-icon Sandy Hickory (Guest) 01 February 2012, 12:45

After hearing this from the collaborators with every enemy of Lebanon, the Syrian people immediately flocked the pharmacies to purchase pain killers, most of whom began injecting themselves with morphine while many others simply took their own lives.

Missing allouchi 01 February 2012, 13:20

No one can disagree with this statement.

Thumb jabalamel 01 February 2012, 14:08

hallucinatory salafi party is talking to the syrian people not realizing that syrian people are smarter than listening to the filth

Missing youssefhaddad 01 February 2012, 16:07

Every Lebanese who believes in an independent and democratic lebanon should be thankful to all the brave Syrians who are destroying the vicious regime that caused calamities and destruction in Lebanon for 4 decades.

Default-user-icon Anonymous (Guest) 01 February 2012, 16:14

It makes me laugh out loud reading such articles coming from M14 and their so called democracy, its sad really the kind of world we live in, were people like them hide under an umbrella called democracy only its full of holes and its got rain pouring on all over them, Muslim brotherhood WILL come to power IF and only IF Assad should fall and then its not democracy that we will see but the interests of the sunni salafist with the western capitalism grandeur mixed with some of the most ruthless sectarian people in power fulfilled, now go figure your democracy!

Missing youssefhaddad 01 February 2012, 16:17

As for those who believe in the threat of salafis and sunni extremists ask who fed them, clothed them harbored them, paid them and then sent them to blow themselves up in Iraq and to cause trouble in lebanon, Assad and Hezbollah.
Do you remember who drew a RED LINE for the lebanese army upon untering Nahr Al bared ?
Hiding under the tail of a monster could never protect us from the extremists, a strong and independent Lebanon with a sovereign government could.

Missing peace 01 February 2012, 16:24

funny how those deny the right the syrian people to choose their fate...thye prefer them to live under assad s regime qualified as terrorist not so long ago by...AOUN! they forgot it seems all the killings this very same regime did in lebanon as if it was all right.
and that fear of salafis! how laughable... exactly the same propaganda as the americans always held to justify the dictatorships of other arab countries...and they are the first ones to criticize the americans! see the irony.

Missing mabboud 01 February 2012, 17:11

If that was the case then Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. all had their independence preserved due to democracies!!! Any statement associating democracies with sovereignty and independence for other countries is at best ridicule and if history is a proof... democracies are often used to justify invasions for the sake of "freeing" or "upgrading" other nations... how could that be called independence?? it's a well known fact that western countries don't try to control, influence or support any country because they are keen to preserve their independence!!!!

Default-user-icon Mastro Gianni (Guest) 01 February 2012, 17:47

I agree with allouchi. Under Bashar Assad's democratic reforms and after he terminates all the fanatics and Sunni crazies, Lebanon's independence will continue to be guaranteed. What will reinforce this guarantee in Lebanon is the throwing of the crooks, thieves, criminal and collaborators with every enemy of Lebanon, aka Mafia Hariri and its Christian Sunnis, behind bars pending their hanging in the most befitting place, Sidon's garbage dump.

Thumb chrisrushlau 01 February 2012, 18:22

March 14 thinks the 25% of Lebanese who are "Christian" will continue to get as much Parliamentary representation as the 75% who are "Muslim" because this respects "diversity"? And they think regime change in Syria will help this continue?
I would say this statement supports the theory that outside forces are trying to destroy a popular government in Syria in hopes of replacing it with a regime that puts some elite in charge: as we have in the Gulf States, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon. "Elite" means "chosen"--but who chooses? Libya will provide some insights for those who need laboratory analysis of a regime change run by these elite regimes. The motivation of NATO, aside from its fear and awe of Israel, might simply be historical bad habits, the imperial tradition of racism.

Missing allouchi 01 February 2012, 19:33

chrisrushlau, keep living in LALA land and believe in what you called "popular" government of Syria. Are you for real? The butcher of Damascus is only popular with Baath bootlickers, killers, roaches and M8 supporters.

Thumb jabalamel 01 February 2012, 19:55

the filthy zionist information war department hallucinate a lot in previous comments including our glorious resistance drawing red lines.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 01 February 2012, 20:40

Will Democracy in the KSA guarantee "Lebanon's Independence"? Losers will continue to be losers.

Default-user-icon peace (Guest) 01 February 2012, 20:42

"to destroy a popular government in Syria"

the nazi regime was "popular", staline was "popular", north korean regime is "popular", communist regime of the ussr was "popular"...
easy to make a regime popular when if you disagree you go to jail or worse you disappear!
fear can make anything "popular", just like the hezb which is "popular" because of the fear they spread on shiites...

Default-user-icon Presento d'Absentia (Guest) 02 February 2012, 03:23

This is true especially that Abdul Halim Khaddam and Rifaat al Assad, the closest friends of Geagea, Jumblat and Al Mustaqbal, and the biggest lovers of the Lebanese people and of Lebanon's independence, take over the leadership of the democratic Syria. Perhaps, then, Fares Soaid and Nayla Moawad, among others, will once again do us the honor of representing us in the independent Lebanese Parliament. I cannot wait!!!

Default-user-icon Rami (Guest) 02 February 2012, 05:33

Good idea Cookie, why don't you propose this officially to them?