The March 14 General Secretariat praised on Wednesday the Syrian National Council’s open letter to the Lebanese people, saying that a free and independent Syria’s recognition of a sovereign Lebanon is the only way to rebuild solid Lebanese-Syrian ties based on trust and cooperation.
It said in a letter to the Syrian people: “Democratic change in Syria will mark an historic opportunity for its development and guarantee Lebanon’s independence.”
The general secretariat made its statement after its weekly meeting.
It continued: “History has demonstrated the importance of democracy in Syria in maintaining Lebanon’s independence and sovereignty.”
“The diversity of the Lebanese and Syrian people is a source of strength for them and we look forward to them playing a vital role in the Arab world,” it said.
Furthermore, it noted that the rise of democratic states in Lebanon and Syria will help the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
“The independence of these countries will help curb terrorism in the region, starting with Israel’s, and pave the way for the birth of a new Arab system based on diversity and democracy,” it stressed.
“The March 14 forces are proud that the Beirut’s 2005 Cedar Revolution was the first spark of the Arab Spring in that it ousted the oppressive Syrian region from Lebanon, paving the way for the current Syrian revolution,” it added.
Last week, the Syrian National Council issued an open letter to the Lebanese people, calling, among other things, for the revision of agreements between the two countries and the dissolution of the Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council.
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