Mustaqbal: We'll Resort to All Democratic Means to Hold Ghosn Accountable for Qaida Claims

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The Mustaqbal bloc condemned on Tuesday Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn’s statements last week that al-Qaida members had infiltrated the Bekaa town of Arsal and then headed to Syria, saying that he should not issue such claims without basing them on facts.

The bloc said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “We will resort to all possible democratic and parliamentary measures to hold the minister accountable for his accusations.”

It stressed that he should have verified his claims before issuing them, adding that he should have also ordered the deployment of the army in the area in order to apprehend all who had assisted the alleged al-Qaida members.

Furthermore, the Mustaqbal bloc deemed Ghosn’s remarks as a dangerous and unprecedented development, praising President Michel Suleiman for quickly seeking to contain the situation by voicing his condemnation of terrorism.

The president had made his statements on Sunday after holding a closed-door meeting with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi.

Addressing the crisis in Syria, the bloc demanded that the government end its “alliances that take it away from the Arab fold”.

It also condemned the twin explosions that took place in Damascus on Friday, which left more than 40 dead.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon Keekoo (Guest) 27 December 2011, 19:22

How about holding Al Mustaqbal accountable for their crimes committed by their Al Qaida - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades? When will the crook and thief Fouad Siniora be held accountable for fleecing the coffers? When will Rafic Hariri, may his soul never rest in peace, posters, statues and the his filthy name be removed from the face of Lebanon for being the filthiest Syrian collaborator and profiteer at the expense of the lives and livelihood of all decent Lebanese? When will anyone who utters a word of praise for the filthy Rafic have his or her tongue severed? WHEN?

Missing peace 27 December 2011, 19:31

keekoo: maybe the day you will be just and talk about your M8 leaders who are as irresponsible and thieves as the ones you are accusing!and ask them to be accountable too for the destruction of lebanon!!!!
we call that being objective...hahhaaha

Default-user-icon Oppa (Guest) 27 December 2011, 22:40

The only thugs above are the ones in the photo surrounded by the photos of the master of all thugs, Mafioso Rafic Don Haririlione, may he rot in hell.

Thumb jabalamel 27 December 2011, 23:51

i cannot agree with keekoo on issue of rafiq harriri but everything else it true.

of course the filthy zionist information war department has seen the truth among the comments so they must respond with lies

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 28 December 2011, 03:01

Put Ghosn in court, and let him say what he knew and when he knew it. His assertions are BS and just help ASSad with his lies. Put him on trial for purgery, or total disregard of duty.

How could he know there were A-Quaieda, and the army and Hezz not go after them, them Syrian troops not catch them, and then they got into the highest security areas of Damascus? This is a total lie.

Thumb jabalamel 28 December 2011, 11:19

the zionist information war department would like to put hosn on court forgetting that zionist courts are illegal as as entity itself.

Default-user-icon Sokholov (Guest) 28 December 2011, 12:39

Gabby, the Iranians also lied when they claimed to have downed the US spy plane. Even after they showed pictures and video clips (as you, peace, thepatriot, alluchi, tarbouchi and the other warriors insisted to see), they were still lying. And then when the US demanded that Iran return the "alleged" plane, the story remained a lie. Al Mustaqbal, aka the band of thieves, crooks and Al Qaida representatives in Bilad al Cham are to be believed and trusted, and also their Christian and Druze Sunnis of the caliber of the embodiments of filth, Marwan Fabrikante and Walid Mourtachi.

Missing peace 28 December 2011, 14:19

jabalamal you are toooooooo soft in your comments! you disappoint me: you should say that half lebanon must go to jail for being sionists!
let s hang them all!
that s what you should say if you have the balls...!

so come on dude! do better!

Default-user-icon Secretservice (Guest) 28 December 2011, 16:28

Sokholov you remind me of mowaten:) you too are very very similar in your style:) I think you got the point eh?