Qassem: No One Can Monopolize Power, Taef Accord Still Valid
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed Friday that no Lebanese party has the ability to “monopolize power” in the country, noting that the 1989 Taef Accord is still valid for running the country's affairs.
“Everyone must admit that no Lebanese party has the ability to monopolize power and that the Taef Accord is still valid and appropriate for securing balance among the various parties and stability in Lebanon,” Hizbullah number two said.
“Instead of sectarian gains, we must seek national gains, which are beneficial for everyone,” he added.
Qassem also called for a “fair electoral law” and an “upright judiciary,” while urging the Lebanese to “behave according to the principle that we are living together.”
Hizbullah's ally Speaker Nabih Berri has recently stressed that “there is no alternative” to the Taef Accord that ended the civil war while ruling out the possibility of holding a so-called constituent assembly in the foreseeable future.
There are fears in the country that the ongoing political and presidential vacuum might eventually lead to introducing constitutional amendments or holding a constituent assembly that would radically change the current political system that is based on a delicate distribution of power among the country's sects.
Berri himself and Hizbullah have been accused of seeking a constituent assembly aimed at altering the political system in their favor.
In June 2012, Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah openly called for “a constituent assembly elected by the people.”
“Why don't we form a constituent assembly elected by the people -- not on a sectarian or regional basis but on the basis of competency -- in order to discuss all options. Let it discuss the Taef Accord, a new social contract or a non-sectarian system,” he said.
Lebanon has been without a president since the term of Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014 and Hizbullah, MP Michel Aoun's Change and Reform bloc and some of their allies have been boycotting the parliament's electoral sessions, stripping them of the needed quorum.
Al-Mustaqbal Movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri, who is close to Saudi Arabia, launched an initiative in late 2015 to nominate Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh for the presidency but his proposal was met with reservations from the country's main Christian parties as well as Hizbullah.
Hariri's move prompted Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea to endorse the nomination of Aoun, his long-time Christian rival, after months of political rapprochement talks between their two parties.
The supporters of Aoun's presidential bid argue that he is more eligible than Franjieh to become president due to the size of his parliamentary bloc and his bigger influence in the Christian community.

In June 2012, Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah openly called for “a constituent assembly elected by the people.”
“Why don't we form a constituent assembly elected by the people -- not on a sectarian or regional basis but on the basis of competency -- in order to discuss all options. Let it discuss the Taef Accord, a new social contract or a non-sectarian system,” he said.
still in doubt about the terrorist's intentions, anyone?

Qassem: No One Can Monopolize Power, Taef Accord Still Valid
Taeif accord called for all armed militias to be dissolved and for the handing over of all illegal weapons.

The Resistance that are destroying your moderate salafis in Syria now.

Mystic, you splitting takia machine, you're both trash and brought those equally sadistic savages to Lebanon's doorstep. Go fantasize about baghdadi and netanyahu, you have that fetish towards them and dead Sunni and Christian children.

the resistance that massacres women and children; the resistance that carries ethnic cleansing; the resistance that starves villages and force people out of their homeland; the resistance that says the road to jerusalem passes through Aleppo.
As to beating back Israel, only delusional propagandists make such a claim. At the end of the 2006 war, Israel was at the shores of the Litani river, the por

the port and airport were shut down and besieged and there was no infrastructure left standing to speak of.

Nice takia try Southern, it's the truth which unlike you I acknowledge. Keep up your takia lies and fake accounts you and that cheat Movaten create.

instead of insulting him, why don'y you answer the man? If Shebaa farms are occupied what is the resistance doing to liberate them? How long will it take to liberate them?
Defending Lebanon is not the resistance's job. It is the army's job. To use Shebaa farms as an excuse is an old stale rhetoric. Even nassrallah admitted Shebaa farms is not his priority and keeping his weapons is mainly directed internally at upsetting the balance of power in Lebanon.
So spare us the resistance rhetoric.

مضايا وبقّين تحت حصار "حزب الله": جوع وسحايا وقنص... حليب الأطفال بـ150 دولاراًمضايا-وبقين-تحت-حصار-حزب-الله-جوع-وسحايا-وقنص-حليب-الأطفال-ب150-دولارا

إيران تعترف: نقوي نفوذنا العسكري في 5 دول عربية
قال قائد أركان القوات المسلحة الإيرانية اللواء محمد باقري، إن بلاده توظف خبراتها العسكرية التي اكتسبتها منذ حرب الخليج الأولى في خمس دول عربية، وهي اليمن وسوريا والعراق ولبنان وفلسطين". وأكد أن إيران تعمل حالياً على تقوية نفوذها في دول ما وصفها بـ "دول محور المقاومة".إيران-تعترف-نقوي-نفوذنا-العسكري-في-5-دول-عربية.html
قائد القوات المسلحة الإيرانية: نعمل على تقوية نفوذنا في دول “محور المقاومة”… ومنها لبنان

So, no one can monopolize power in Lebanon?? What is Hezbollah doing, if not monopolizing power?? These people seem to all have a mental illness, Hezbollah and FPM. The things that they complain the loudest about, they themselves commit!!

I'm very pleased that the filthy militia are killing Syrians. They are revenging what the Syrian army did during 29 years of occupation toward the Lebanese civilian.