Turkey Backs Arab League Sanctions of Syria

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Turkey will support a raft of sanctions on neighbor Syria agreed by the Arab League at a meeting in Cairo, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Sunday.

"Turkey is supporting the decisions and measures taken by the Arab League against Syria," Davutoglu was quoted as saying by the Anatolia news agency on the sidelines of the Cairo meeting, to which non-Arab Turkey was invited.

Davuoglu said the Arab League and Turkey were "in full agreement" concerning the Syrian crisis.

"Nobody can expect Turkey and the Arab League to remain silent on the killings of civilians and the Syrian regime's increasing oppression of innocent people," he said.

But the minister emphasized that the Syrian crisis should be handled in a way that would not lead to any outside intervention.

"I hope the Syrian administration will understand our message and the problem will be resolved within the family," he said.

On Sunday, Arab foreign ministers agreed a list of sweeping sanctions designed to cripple the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, which has defied international pressure to halt a bloody crackdown on protests.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Abraham (Guest) 27 November 2011, 22:44

mr. foreign Minister
The biggest mistake Mr, Assad was openning the border with Turkey.
who needs friends like you and your goverment (who have blood on their hands for over 97 years).who backstab friends

Default-user-icon Concerned Lebanese (Guest) 28 November 2011, 09:23

In the last one hunded years turkey comitted Genocide against his own christian minority and forcefully converted the rest. Turkey today continues the same practice against 20 million Kurds. Turkey should stop preaching human rights to Syria and stop sending arms and instigating a civil war in Syria. Arabs should wake up, Obama & Hillary have permitted Turkey's Erdogan to resestablish the Ottoman empire and rule on the Arabs.