Clinton Says 'There could be a Civil War' in Syria

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U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Friday of the possibility of a civil war in Syria that either is directed or influenced by Syrian army defectors.

"I think there could be a civil war with a very determined and well-armed and eventually well-financed opposition that is, if not directed by, certainly influenced by defectors from the army," Clinton told the U.S. network NBC.

"We're already seeing that, something that we hate to see because we are in favor of a peaceful ... protest and non-violent opposition," the chief U.S. diplomat said.

In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday that an attack like the one on a Syrian intelligence base by army defectors -- who have formed the Free Syria Army -- could lead the country into a civil war.

But Clinton's deputy spokesman Mark Toner had disagreed, saying Thursday: "We think that's an incorrect assessment."

He added: "If it (Russia) characterizes it as a civil war, we view that it is very much the Assad regime carrying out a campaign of violence, intimidation and repression against innocent protesters."

Toner has said that violent acts by the opposition play into the hands of the Syrian regime which claims a largely peaceful movement is led by thugs and "terrorists."

Clinton also squarely put the blame for the violence on the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. "The way the Assad regime has responded has provoked people into taking up arms against them," she said.

Comments 1
Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 18 November 2011, 22:30

The Criminal Assad regime had left the democracy protestors with no options but to take up arms against its militia to protect themselves and their families that are being brutally murdered in cold blood in the street by the Assad Death squads and Hezbollah terrorists roaming around in the cities in Syria under direct orders of Assad's Genocidal criminal brother Maher el Assad.The free Syrian army needs to be vigilant from infiltration attempts by Assad thugs into their ranks. Protests will only intensify and widen geographically everytime the Assad militia kills people. The fall of the criminal Stalinist regime is no longer in doubt the timing may be...