Asiri: Those Questioning Islamic Coalition Have Misunderstood its Purpose

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri questioned on Friday how some sides have made “quick assumptions” over the Islamic coalition, saying that they have jumped to conclusions over the issue.

He said: “Those who have criticized the alliance have misunderstood its purpose and made unrealistic analyses.”

“The decisions of Saudi Arabia stem from its convictions and keenness on the Arab and Islamic ummahs,” he stressed.

“No side imposes dictates on the kingdom, while others are counting on suspicious agendas that seek to fragment the countries in the region and create sectarian incitement,” noted the ambassador.

“Lebanon is among the countries that suffer from and combat terrorism,” Asiri remarked.

“The fight against terrorism can take several forms, such as the military one and the adoption of moderate religious speech,” he continued.

He also highlighted the role of the media, education, and social development in combating terror.

“Is it possible for Lebanon to abandon any one of these means, which are among its strengths, in its battle against terrorism?” he wondered.

“Saudi Arabia respects Lebanon's sovereignty, independence, and freedom and it does not need to prove this,” he stated.

“We question however some of the sides that have criticized the decision of the kingdom to include Lebanon in the Islamic alliance when these same sides are accused by the Lebanese public of violating Lebanon's national sovereignty and usurping its state's decision-making power,” Asiri said.

Saudi Arabia unveiled on Tuesday an alliance comprised of 35 Arab and Islamic countries aimed at combating terrorism.

Lebanon has been included in the coalition even though some officials complained that they were not informed of such a measure.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam was informed of the step and he blessed it, saying that he takes decisions that favor Lebanon.

He added however that he made a preliminary approval over the issue, which will be later tackled at cabinet.

Hizbullah on Thursday rejected the call to join the coalition, saying: “This step violates the Constitution, the law and all applicable norms in Lebanon.”

It blamed the Saudi Arabia for the proliferation of “the terrorist and extremist thought” in the world, accusing it of “maintaining its support for this ideology.”

"Saudi Arabia has practiced state terrorism in Yemen and it is backing the terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq and Yemen," the party charged, while adding that Salam's decision on the matter is not binding.



Comments 4
Thumb _mowaten_ 18 December 2015, 13:43

Terrorism ambassador speaking with a forked tongue

Thumb EagleDawn 18 December 2015, 13:50

filthy sectarian iranian troll

Default-user-icon Barber (Guest) 18 December 2015, 18:49

The question is not about HezboIran its about your false claim regarding Lebanon, Lebanon is not Islamic country and Arab is not a country, Arab is not a citizenship,and Arab is not a passport, Arab is Islamic movement a unity to destroy the minorities in the region increasing your area. Again Lebanon is not Islamic country, and Muslims in Lebanon are minority, so it is wrong to claim Lebanon as Muslim and Arab country, Lebanese ancient Phoenician history and identity is a national pride and treasure.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 18 December 2015, 13:46

just give our army weapons to liberate our occupied Lebanese territories from takfiries
btw where are the 3 billions grant for weapons for our Lebanese army
god bless democracy