Jumblat: List of Condemned Politicians Endless, I Am Part of it

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat said on Monday that the list of corrupt politicians in Lebanon is endless, expressing surprise at the fact that the protesters held banners in Sunday's demonstration limiting corruption to only three, including him.

“Yes I am part of this political strata condemned by the popular civil society movements, and I am accused until proven guilty. But at the same time I have the right to express surprise at the fact that they have limited the accusations of corruption to only three politicians, raising their pictures in the demos,” Jumblat told As Safir daily on Monday.

Civil society protesters marched Sunday from Bourj Hammoud to central Beirut's Nejmeh Square, carrying banners condemning the ruling political class and chanting slogans against the government.

The banners also reflected the protest movement's demands regarding the crises of waste management, electricity, salaries and other social issues.

One of the banners contained the pictures of Speaker Nabih Berri, former Premier Saad Hariri and Jumblat, referring to them as corrupt.

“I have a democratic right to ask why have they limited corruption to only three names, meanwhile the list is a very long one that no banner can have the capacity to hold,” the PSP chief concluded.



Comments 26
Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 21 September 2015, 09:11

Only Mr. Jumblatt and General Aoun are working for Lebanon's interests. The rest pffft....

Missing helicopter 21 September 2015, 11:12

Let me answer Mr. Jumblat,
While it is true that the list of corrupt politicians is endless, it was wise of the protesters to limit it to the three main Sharks (head of the pyramids of corruption), especially Berri and Jumblat who have combined crime with corruption for at least 3 decades)

Default-user-icon Nou7 Zouaiter Al Muqawim (Guest) 21 September 2015, 11:29

Help me out here.... So, when Nassrallah and his resistance enlist and protect Nou7 Zaiter, the most notorious drug trafficker, is that divine corruption and not worthy of being included in the list

Default-user-icon Mike larry (Guest) 21 September 2015, 16:05

how retarted are you ? they guy himself said he's corrupted and you still think he's working for lebanon's interest, so even if in wonderland he would have an interest in lebanon, the country will fall because of people like you sir

Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 21 September 2015, 09:40

FT, mowaten, gaston, neither.nor, whatstheplan, success.kid, random.house.publishers, superstar.s3oodi, radio_montecarlo, and I are the 10 most informative, most liked, and most voted posters on naharnet. No wonder our posts are always in the VIP section of the top rated comments..... No wonder!

Default-user-icon mowaten (Guest) 21 September 2015, 09:46

will someone please post! I am bored and have the urge to troll.

Missing humble 21 September 2015, 10:03

Jumbo : aren't you a little bit coward ? Or may be a lot coward???

Default-user-icon illegitimate & illiterate.southern (Guest) 21 September 2015, 10:17

excellent comment
please never change, keep posting

Default-user-icon Abu Quahafah (Guest) 21 September 2015, 10:38

Mr Jumb
Notwithstanding your reprehensible political stances over the years, you still enjoy peerless freedom of expression and work in this country. Hopefully your naïve supporters will wake up one day and forsake you after they realize that you are nothing more than a paltry clown, an arch thief and an ignoble traitor who is making a fool of himself and incorrigible disservice for his people. In sooth, you have been trying hard but to no avail to ingratiate yourself with al nusra terrorist group despite its lurking threat to your country. You foolishly assumed that if al nusra won then you will be safe. Rest assured Mr Jumb that if al nusra won you and your people will face the same fate that al Yazidi of Iraq had faced. Indeed, you have proven to be infinitely stupid and incredibly coward

Default-user-icon Abu Quahafah aka mowaten (Guest) 21 September 2015, 14:56

well said mowaten

Missing humble 21 September 2015, 10:46

Why don't you ever talk about your own leaders? Why don't you Give us a complete list :drugs, hash, captagon, tehreeb, weapons, and other things you surely know about...???

Thumb Mystic 21 September 2015, 10:47

Jumblat and Geagea betrayed their sects in Syria, in favor of dollars. That alone too is reason enough for condemnation.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 21 September 2015, 11:06

what would it take for you to admit what the whole wide world already knows that it is a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar?

Missing helicopter 21 September 2015, 11:16

You will never betray your Sect which is why you will never be a Lebanese patriot, an excellent Iranian patriot though. Here we go, sect above country and nationalism.

Thumb Mystic 21 September 2015, 15:13

So you blame them, and call the Resistance corrupt, for standing up for Lebanon during the times of war, whilst our government is incompetent? The 2006 war was the zionists that invaded, and now it is the takfiris that tried to do the same thing.

The rest you mentioned, are pure pro-western propaganda.
The Resistance fights for Lebanon aswell as the whole region, who do you think are the wall between Lebanon and Syria? That is them holding back the swarms of takfiris ISIS and Nusra, and it is them encircling Zabadani, so the takfiris can't trespass Lebanon further.

Missing helicopter 21 September 2015, 11:14

GIGI is not a member of the Parliament And he purposely stayed out of this Government because he does not want to be part of a charade, It was solid principles like these that forced the Syrians to put in jail after manufacturing a crime. I am not his supporter but must point out the difference.

Missing helicopter 21 September 2015, 11:17

Yet not enough concious to resign or do something about it.

Default-user-icon speakteezly (Guest) 21 September 2015, 11:26

indeed those demonstrators know that!!

Thumb Machia 21 September 2015, 12:22

These are our leaders and they are corrupt. We elected them and we will elect them again. Therefore we are corrupt.
We are sectarian, corrupt, (we want to make a quick buck, become famous, generous and the best Lebanese we can be), think we are always right, very emotional and very rude.
We will only support a politician that projects strength and makes us proud of being...sunni, shia, druze, maronite, armenian, etc.
We deserve those leaders. We are them.

Thumb Machia 21 September 2015, 12:33

Wasta rules in our daily lives.
Zabetle hal adiye, walaw, ma feeya shee.
We are more intelligent than everyone else around us and in the world.
Law, what law? He or she broke it, therefore I can break it too.
Aoun came back from exile, (remember he had taken a few dozen million USD with him that were for the Lebanese republic but it was war back then, walaw?), and immediately got his Basil in to syphon money from electricity and get support from a foreign power, the same way Hariri, Jumblatt, Berri, Nasrallah did. He became a member of the secterian club. Geagea did it too with generous gifts from Saudi, (how can we face Iran, walaw?).

Missing humble 21 September 2015, 13:49

You are the voice of TRUTH....

Thumb Machia 21 September 2015, 12:36

Edame enta, bjawzak ekhte bas haytak men doon aazi.
Khdemni Khayye, walaw? Kella Khedme. Khdemni la Ekhedmak.

Thumb Machia 21 September 2015, 12:40

Corruption is the quickest route to earn money in our country. There is no industry, no innovation, no tourism to speak of,...
It has been embeded in our DNA since the Ottomans when one took a governmental position as a liscence to enrich himself. The French weren't (and still aren't), Mr. Clean too.
What we should do is make corruption official the way it is done in the US where interest groups pay millions to political campaigns very legally.

Thumb Machia 21 September 2015, 23:04

Yes some of it should be legalized, the way it is in the US and I think the political process in the US is a little better than ours.
At least we will know who is paying to whom.

Whether you like it or not, you must be a supporter of one of those dirty politicians, (are you a Nasrallah/Aoun or a Hariri/Geagea?) Stop being a smart ass and think about the issue.

Default-user-icon Bandit (Guest) 21 September 2015, 17:20

Yes the government is weak. Hezbollah is strong. Hezbollah like that so it can control Lebanon for Iran, a non Arab country. When will the people who love hezbollah learn that they are only puppets. The resistance should be against all the power holding people in Lebanon. Join the new movement and finally become a Lebanese. Otherwise go to Iran and forget being an arab and become a Persian. We need to get rid of M8 and M14. All must go. Start fresh and clean.

Default-user-icon JCWilliams (Guest) 22 September 2015, 02:31

They may have run out of finger paint and paper before they got to the index finger.