Al-Rahi Calls on March 8, 14 to Withdraw Presidential Candidates

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Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi expressed belief on Sunday that the political powers should elect a consensual president who is not affiliated to March 8 or 14 alliances and considered not provocative.

“As long as the March 14 coalition will not allow the March 8 candidate to reach the presidential post and vise versa, then we should choose a head of state not affiliated to both alliances,” al-Rahi said during Sunday's sermon in his summer seat of Diman.

He stressed that the “important matter is bring to power a president that would be up to the level of challenges confronting the country.”

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, who has received the backing of the March 14 camp and his March 8 rival Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun are both running for the elections.

But Aoun has not officially nominated himself, claiming there should be consensus on him first. His Change and Reform bloc and other MPs from the March 8 alliance have been boycotting parliamentary sessions aimed at electing a president, causing a lack of quorum.

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat has nominated Aley lawmaker Henri Helou but vowed to withdraw his candidacy if the other candidates decided to do so in an attempt to resolve the country's presidential deadlock.

Lebanon has been plunged into a leadership vacuum after Michel Suleiman's presidential term ended on May 25 with rival political blocs still divided over a new leader.

The parliament convened nine times to try to elect a successor to Suleiman but failed during the last eight sessions due to a lack of quorum.

He lashed out at MPs for violating the constitution and their failure to elect a new president, slamming Speaker Nabih Berri for not calling for parliamentary sessions in this regard.

“The parliament should convene and elect a head of state,” al-Rahi pointed out.


Comments 9
Thumb geha 27 July 2014, 12:41

common sense!
if none of m8/m14 can elect a candidate from their side, then let the process of electing a president democratically to be done!

but NO.... you want aoun to accept a democratically elected president? he will destroy what is left of the country if he is not elected.

he reminds me of his wars against the Syrians and the LF..... what good did it bring Lebanon? what good did it bring the Christians???

Thumb nickjames 27 July 2014, 23:29

Roar, the convicted murderer offered to withdraw his candidacy in favour of other candidates. But I don't see Aoun doing that.

Missing munjk1 27 July 2014, 17:17

Agree with the Patriarch. Aren't there any neutral quality Maronite leaders who are not recycled warlords nor affiliated with either of the two camps, M8 and M14?

Missing lebalways 27 July 2014, 17:36

Yup. That's the trick. I hope they find one. See my comment here too.

Default-user-icon marc y (Guest) 27 July 2014, 17:21

why doesn't naharnet post comments which are "centrist" and doesn't "insult" anyone? is this a type of propaganda to keep people fighting?

Missing lebalways 27 July 2014, 17:33

Maybe that would be the first step in getting rid of March 8 and March 14 all together.

The trick will be to find a "strong" neutral candidate. Typically, a neutral candidate starts by being weak, because the common denominator is so low for it to be accepted by everybody. But in hindsight, that President could start weak, then become progressively stronger, like Sleiman did.

Missing karim- 27 July 2014, 20:08

The filthy liar

and his senile tool

Thumb nickjames 28 July 2014, 01:24

Excommunicate* and if Geagea got paid to offer withdrawing his candidacy in favour of other candidates then I don't have a problem with that. I'd love it if Aoun got bribed to withdraw his candidacy. None of these guys should be president, but Geagea is saying the right things while Aoun is boycotting and wasting time at Parliament talking about Gaza and Mosul. Nasrallah did the same thing, but Geagea didn't mention anything about the Palestinians, and Gemayel said that the politicians are waking up only to regional developments and not the vacuum.

Thumb nickjames 28 July 2014, 01:39
