Miqati Pledges to Arrest STL Suspects ‘If Found in Lebanon’

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed on Tuesday that Lebanon will remain committed to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing ex-premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination.

“It is not in our hand to eliminate … the tribunal by any means and we will proceed in this,” Miqati said in an interview with CNN.

He said that the cabinet will continue to fund the tribunal. Lebanon is responsible for meeting 49 percent of the costs for the Netherlands-based STL, the first international court with jurisdiction to try an act of terrorism.

Asked about Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s stance that he will not hand in four suspects never in 300 years, Miqati said that the government will do everything possible regarding the arrest warrants.

“We are going to do it fully,” he said.

The STL submitted a confidential indictment and arrest warrants for four suspects in June. The names were not released but were leaked to the media and later confirmed by the Lebanese government.

Mustafa Badreddine, Salim Ayyash, Assad Sabra and Hussein Anaissi are all members of Hizbullah.

However, their whereabouts are unknown.

The Prime Minister reiterated the cabinet’s intention to do everything it can to arrest and hand over those who are indicted.

Miqati said during the interview that the government isn’t declaring its investigations and “we are not making any propaganda out of this.”

“All the officials and officers related to this issue, are doing their job perfectly as I understand, as all reports coming to me, we are doing this in full manner,” he told CNN.

Answering a question about those who doubt the cabinet’s intention to arrest the four men, Miqati wondered “if they are still in Lebanon,” reiterating that the government is doing its best.

The PM noted that everything that is in Lebanon’s best interest he’ll “do it fully.”

Lebanon has 30 business days to find and arrest the four named in the warrants.

If no arrests are made, the court can publicize their names and call on the accused to surrender within a month, after which the defense chief can himself appoint lawyers from his office's list to represent defendants in absentia.

Turning to the regional situation and the turmoil in Syria and how it’s affecting Lebanon, Miqati said: “My role is to protect Lebanon. I don't have to do anything with what's happening in Syria.”

He remarked that he “respects what the Syrians are doing. I wish that President (Bashar) Assad can do the reform himself.”

Miqati stressed the importance of preventing the consequences in Syria from “reflecting on Lebanon.”

*(Photo Courtesy of CNN)

Comments 10
Default-user-icon Ali (Guest) 19 July 2011, 09:35

"Asked about Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s stance that he will not hand in four suspects never in 300 years, Miqati said that the government will do everything possible regarding the arrest warrants.
“We are going to do it fully,” he said."
So, If they are now in Dahiye, the capital of the resistance, Mr. Miqati will go and arrest them??? I doubt it so very much. Najeeb got his 5 minutes of glory on CNN, and delivered what his target audience wanted to hear. On the local scene, reality is however different. Miqati answers to Nassrallah who appointed him PM. I think Miqati is in "Principal" with arresting the suspects. Miqati is PM in principle.

Thumb shab 19 July 2011, 10:08

The 4 suspects are hiding in Israel by oirder of Mossad branch in Dahyie

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 19 July 2011, 10:10

Instead of detaining the killers, we should all praise them for killing off a filthy, corrupt politician! ONE WAY TICKETS TO ALL YOU SAUDI BABOONS!

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 19 July 2011, 10:15

There's nothing you March 14 losers can do...so I propose you losers go join your friend Saad in whining! HA! SAUDI BABOONS!

Thumb joesikemrex 19 July 2011, 11:22

"if" there is the answer. Corruption rules again with the Hezb gang

Thumb joesikemrex 19 July 2011, 11:22

"if" there is the answer. Corruption rules again with the Hezb gang

Default-user-icon Stavros (Guest) 19 July 2011, 14:01

hey 'someone', with the exception of a closed-up and secluded rat holes on this earth, civilization has evolved to a point where u may disagree with another person or idea without the need to hurt or kill him.. Iran and Syria, despite thier rich history and tradition have unfor fallen to become such rat holes.. so thier notion of civilation is different, they rule with power and fear.. Now if u ever read a book other than the Quran (which you obviously didnt understand a word) ull also know that when dealing with primitive apes, u must attept to think liek them in order to communicate.. SOO since u are soo happy about what happened to a rival lebanese leader and many other journilists, politicans, and civilian then i can only wish you the same fate for your yourself, loved ones and leaders.. may your own praise this act as well..

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 19 July 2011, 14:47

and the only way shab knows it because he works in the mossad branch in dahye

Thumb bashir 19 July 2011, 17:11

The four could be giving Miqati a lap dance and he would just close his eyes harder and say "I don't see them, I don't see them"

Missing peace 19 July 2011, 21:40

will he say the same thg if politicians or MPs are indicted?