Berri says time for MPs to carry out their duties, elect president

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has called for a parliamentary session to elect a president on January 9. The session will be open with successive rounds until a president is elected, Saudi news channel Al-Hadath said.
The Saudi channel said sources quoted Berri as saying that the Quint - which comprises the U.S., France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt - has supported Lebanon to elect a president. "Now we have to carry out our duties."
According to the sources, Berri called on the parliamentary blocs to fulfill their responsibility and secure quorum for the January 9 session.
The country has been without a president since Michel Aoun's term ended in October 2022, with neither of the two main blocs -- Hezbollah and its opponents -- having the majority required to elect one, and unable to reach a consensus.

Oh I see. Now that the country has been destroyed and people killed and made homeless and lost all personal belongings and savings, you want the MPs to carry out their duties and elect a President. You should be dragged from the parliament building in handcuffs after 30 years.
You closed Parliament, you block walked out of successive sessions to elect a President and now you come say carry your duties. You never even carried your duties. You have made parliament your own Fiefdom.
You should be locked out in Romieh prison.

So After 2 years of pause, now Berri decides he needs money from the gulf and international community to rebuild his sector(religion domain of land) so he decides to call for a parliament session and without chairing the lobbying discussion to elect a president?

This is a trap. All sovereign MPs must immediately resign forcing new parliament election (or Cedar Revolution II). Current parliament is a farce. Duo have 100% of Shia seats while representing less than 20% of Shia, those on Hizb (Iran Foreign Legion) payroll. Most duo MPs should be in Jail, as well as the dozen MPs left over from the criminal Assad regimes. Worst are FPM MPs, including those who quit, responsible for wasting/stealing $40 billion from electricity leaving the Country polluted & in darkness. FPM MPs are the traitors who sold Lebanon to the Basij for 30 pieces of silver, destroying and bankrupting Lebanon. They personify the highest levels of corruption from nepotism to pay for appointments & cronies stealing government resources. Corruption is only stopped by removing these criminals from parliament & new elections.