ميقاتي لـ14 آذار: هناك آليات دستورية لانهاء عمر الحكومة، ولحين توافرها هي مستمرة بانتاجيتها

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رد رئيس مجلس الوزراء نجيب ميقاتي على مطالبة قوى 14 آذار باستقالة الحكومة، ان هناك آليات دستورية لانهاء عمر الحكومة، ولحين توافرها فان الحكومة مستمرة في انتاجينها.

وقال في دردشة مع الاعلاميين الذين يرافقونه في زيارته الى المانيا، بأن الحكومة مستمرة في عملها وإنتاجيتها رغم كل الصعوبات التي تواجهها، مشيراً الى ان هذه المطالبة ليست بالجديدة فهي قد بدأت منذ اليوم الاول لتشكيل الحكومة.

واشار الى انه "لا يجوز أن يتجاهل البعض ذكاء وفهم الرأي العام بتحميلها المسؤولية عن أمور تعمل هي على معالجتها الواحدة تلو الأخرى ، بينما يكتفي هذا البعض بالمواقف الانتقادية".

واردف ميقاتي، قائلاً لمن يرمي التهم على الحكومة جزافاً "إن لم تستح فافعل ما شئت".

ولفت الى ان هناك آليات دستورية لانهاء عمر الحكومة، و"لحين توافرها أوكد ان الحكومة ماضية في عملها وإنتاجيتها ولن تتوقف عند الحملات العبثية المعروفة الأهداف والغايات".

وعن توقف جلسات الحكومة والنواب على خلفية تثبيت مياومي كهرباء لبنان، قال ميقاتي ان "الخلاف وقع بين المكونات السياسية داخل مجلس النواب وأدى الى وقف الجلسات النيابية في انتظار معالجة هذا الخلاف".

الا انه لفت الى ان "الاتصالات مستمرة لايجاد حل لهذا الموضوع ونامل بروز النتائج في وقت قريب".

وقاطعت الكتل المسيحية جلسة مجلس النواب الثلاثاء وجلسة الحكومة الاربعاء اثر اقرار تثبيت مياومي كهرباء لبنان الاثنين، نظراً لعدم انصافه المسيحيين المتواجدين باعداد قليلة داخل المؤسسة.

التعليقات 13
Thumb Captain 11:53 ,2012 تموز 06

Regardless of which camp is the majority in the government, the government and parliament are from all regions, religions and denominations.

By what logic are the ones squeaking and complaining about the current government and wish it to resign, when they did not squeak and complain for the same issues in previous governments?

Thumb geha 12:07 ,2012 تموز 06

this government is the one of hizbushaitan, responsible for murdors which are continuing daily. they failed at all levels, so they have to go.

Thumb geha 16:18 ,2012 تموز 06

as long as m8 are killing, stealing, kidnapping, murdering lebanese people, what do you expect? that we wish you happiness?
for sure we want this scum removed so we can tak back control of our country and live in peace!
this is basic: we are under occupation by the syro/iranian thugs and we need to be liberated. whoever will do the job, he is welcome.

Thumb bigsami 17:19 ,2012 تموز 06

Good point rude. Miqati actually meant the "new" constitutional way is through assignations, intimidation and of course, arms! You can find that policy in HA's manual.

Thumb benzona 01:27 ,2012 تموز 07

Didn't Mikati get billionaire in Syria? Basically, this guy owes the (free) Syrians their money. Once Assad gets judged, Mikati will be next. He'll have to return whatever he took illegally (like Suzanne Moubarak did). I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when this happens.

Thumb bigsami 18:16 ,2012 تموز 06

What a joke this Miqati! He should feel ashamed holding this post since it was never the will of the people but rather forced down our throats because of HA. Get a life!

Thumb lebanon_first 20:51 ,2012 تموز 06

The previous gouvernment of Hariri died because Hariri fell out of favor with king abdallah and allied himself with bandar bin sultan, the opponent of the king. (Hariri thought abdallah was dying). And when king abdallah came back, he discredited hariri, bankrupted oger, and removed his support. Leaving Lebanon to HA. HA chose a moderate sunni. Things are not excellent now, But I thank God Miqati was there during these 2 years, else things would have been much much worse.

Missing freemind 12:08 ,2012 تموز 07

well said, couldnt have said it better lebanon_first

thank God Miqati is the PM, he has always been able to manage crisis situations. despite the extremely dangerous and shaky situation in the region, he is keeping things more or less stable.

the official position of leb being neutral in the syrian crisis was the best position to take. i cant imagine what would have happened to the country had there been a M14 government during the syrian crisis.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:13 ,2012 تموز 06

By the looks of the message delivered in tariq al jadideh recently, your boasting is out of touch with reality. Even HA realizes that any new attempt to duplicate May 7-8 is not going to be a walk in the park anymore. So suggest you keep that back hand covering your mouth at this time.

Default-user-icon Mister Punkymoon (ضيف) 19:57 ,2012 تموز 06

If only Miqati had the decency to just go home like any toul bala ghalleh

Thumb lebanon_first 20:44 ,2012 تموز 06

very good point. We are hostages to their intestine wars. While we dont give a damn about M8 or M14 and their stupid fights. We just want to live and work.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:46 ,2012 تموز 06

interesting. Do you have any sources? any proofs?

Missing people-power 04:45 ,2012 تموز 07

Hariri was assassinated in 2005, during Syrian occupation. At that time, he was not the Prime Minister, as he had recently resigned, however the security apparatus was controlled by Syria and their cronies (including Hezbollah).