أنان يعلن أن دمشق وافقت على مهلة العاشر من نيسان لبدء تطبيق خطته
Read this story in Englishأعلن الموفد الخاص للامم المتحدة والجامعة العربية كوفي انان الاثنين امام مجلس الامن ان دمشق وافقت على مهلة العاشر من نيسان كموعد لبدء تطبيق خطة انان.
وبحسب ما كشف دبلوماسيون عاملون في مقر الامم المتحدة في نيويورك ان الوقف الكامل لاعمال العنف يجب ان يتم خلال الساعات ال48 التي تلي هذا الموعد.
وقبل العاشر من نيسان سيكون على النظام السوري ان يسحب اسلحته الثقيلة من المدن والبدء في سحب جنوده.
واعلن الدبلوماسيون انفسهم ايضا ان انان دعا مجلس الامن الى دراسة شروط نشر بعثة مراقبين في سوريا.
هذا وقالت سفيرة الولايات المتحدة في الامم المتحدة سوزان رايس الاثنين ان الولايات المتحدة وعددا من الدول الغربية تشكك في رغبة سوريا بالوفاء بوعدها بالبدء في تطبيق خطة مبعوث الامم المتحدة والجامعة العربية الخاص لسوريا كوفي انان بحلول العاشر من نيسان.
وصرحت رايس للصحافيين بعد اجتماع لمجلس الامن الدولي حول سوريا ان "التجارب السابقة تقودنا الى التشكك والقلق بأن نشهد خلال الأيام القليلة المقبلة تصعيدا في العنف بدلا من تراجعه".
When Saddam Hussein told Hafez el Assad: "I know why you don't get out of Lebanon. If you get out of Lebanon, you get out of Damascus". That's simply stating the obvious. Such regimes can stay in power through their foreign reach. The big question for the region is not Syria, no one is expecting Assad to stay in power for 10 more years, to put as the Russian ambassador did. The big question is Iran. It is just a matter of time before Assad falls; that's an inalienable truth. April 10th is just another date in the decline of the Assad rule. However if Iran looses its influence in Syria, that will be the beginning of the end of the Islamist state too. The winds of change are blowing from Cairo to Tehran, thanks to America's most efficient tool for freedom and new ideals, and the best weapon against Islamists and extremists: Facebook.
The only way for lasting peace in Syria is for Assad to hit the road. If Russia and China love him so much why have neither yet offered him asylum? Because no one likes bringing garbage to their homes....
That's funny! The only thing that will start the "peace plan" is to make the SNC's recognition as the "sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people" mean something by invoking Chapter VII, Article 51 of the UN Charter so that it may evict the illigitimate Assad Regime from the offices of power, by force, under the doctrine of self defense.
The longest journey starts with the first step. Sure, it took some time to make this step but now that it is made it will be up to the Syrian people to demonstrate when their demonstrations are safe to unequivocally show the world they will not settle for Assad rule.
People Power has it exactly correct. Plus if there is a cease fire the country will erupt in peaceful demonstrations agains Bashar. He is doomed.
My question is why they also didn't charge him with war crimes?
This is yet another ploy from the assad regime to stifle the progress of the opposition parties in Syria. We experienced this numerous times in Lebanon from the regime of Syria; they are experts in manipulation and gaining time. But I am not sure this will work in Syria. The Syrian people have thus far shed more than 10,000 lives and Gid knows how many were exterminated without anybody's knowledge, let alone the hundreds of thousands who became handicaped over the last year of strife and war. If the peace plan of Anan is just to stop hostilities, the game is not yet over. of Syria. Only by toppling the regime would Syria go back to normal, and we in Lebanon could from here on live in peace away from the shackles of the evil regime in Syria. I am more than certain that Syria and Lebanon could help each other to become a peaceful democratic countries free from the evil of the Assad family.
This is all a bad joke... How many ultimatums will the Assad government be given? The Assad's will never willingly give up power.
I hope the Syrian people will remember forget the role that Russia has played in keeping the Tyrant in control.