مدير عام الأمن العام: سنضاعف جهودنا لمنع المصطادين بالمياه العكرة من تحقيق مآربهم
Read this story in Englishأكد المدير العام الجديد للأمن العام عباس ابراهيم أنه يتمنى أن يكون على قدر الآمال التي وضعت على عاتقه، لأن الوقت هو للعمل، والتعاون مع الجميع، لأن لبنان بحاجة الى جميع أبنائه، ويجب أن تضاعف الجهود لمنع المصطادين بالمياه العكرة من تحقيق مآربهم المتعددة.
وحول كيف نجحت الاتصالات بالمحافظة على هذا المنصب لشيعي، في الوقت الذي كانت تُطالب فيه القوى المسيحية باستعادته، أشار ابراهيم لصحيفة "اللواء"، الى أن تسميته جاءت من خلال ترشيح وزير الداخلية والبلديات العميد مروان شربل له، كاشفاً عن أنه كان قد التقاه يوم الجمعة الماضي.
واكد المدير العام للأمن العام، بحسب ما نقل عنه زواره لصحيفة "السفير"، ان اولويته "ان تشكل مؤسسة الامن العام اطاراً لخدمة الوطن وتأمين الاستقرار السياسي وامن المواطنين"، لافتا الى انه "كلما زاد الانقسام السياسي لدينا زادت مسؤولياتنا بوجه خطري اسرائيل والارهاب".
واشارت "السفير" الى انه عندما كان يتلقى التهاني في منزله سأله البعض عن سر موقف قوى 14 آذار من تعيينه، فأجاب بأن "كل ما يقال من كلام حولي لا اساس له وسأبقي أبوابي مفتوحة للجميع".
makes me laugh when he says "The director-general said that naming him was due to Interior Minister Marwan Charbel’s recommendation after they met on Friday."
This guy was imposed on the country even before the cabinet was formed. His name was being circulated long time ago. Charbel did not even know the guy.
here is what was said a few days ago "The newspaper quoted a ministerial source as saying: “Appointing Ibrahim as the director-general was agreed upon in the last session but was postponed so that Interior Minister Marwan Charbel meets him, the thing that happened on Saturday.”
So far he sounds very much like Assad, believing all opposition are Israeli agents. The hizbollafication of Lebanon has started and he can be a useful tool. What is his commitment to freedom of opinion and peaceful opposition enshrined in our constitution? If he is incapable of clearly answering this question he should resign immediately. Let no one have any illusion. The road to freedom will be very difficult. Miqati’s Syrian/Basij cabinet will use all state power to brutally suppress freedom like in Syria and Iran. Miqati is just a dummy and another Useful Idiot like Aoun and Jumblat. Hopefully Lebanese will have the same courage as the Syrian people to sacrifice for freedom when they finally realize what is happening and who has taken our country hostage.
not all opposition.
but there are some. including those who are in charge of shitting on al manar
it all depends on ahrar souriya,ahrar loubnan are rock ready,all these "appointments" resemble the occupying of vacant apartments in 1975 76.
this appointment resemble the 7 /may in beirut,it was a big mistake from this gang to do another 7 may weakening dramatically their christian ally.
Development and Liberation bloc MP Yassine Jaber: We support hiring competent individuals to positions in state as these posts cannot be monopolized by a certain sect.
So why are you monopolizing the position of Director of General security for the shiites? your logic is" what is ours is ours and what is yours is yours and ours".
hunter , please hunt those who donot pay for their electricity,
you syrian bootlicker, you will find you will run out of bullets- Moron
Imposters are back posting under Gebran Sons name! But readers cannot be fooled. They are already dealing with an entire cabinet of imposters, pretending to care for Lebanon, while they have sold Lebanon for 30 pieces of silver to the tyrants in Damascus and Tehran for personal benefits and obsessions be it establishing Wilayat Al Faqih or becoming president at any cost including destroying the country, bankrupting its citizens, forcing many to emigrate, and sacrificing freedom and democracy.
Well done Major! How about if saboteurs are in office? How about is saboteurs are killing citizens and politicians alike to reach power? How about if saboteurs are ruining pepole' s trade and lives ? How about if saboteurs are holding hostage a whole country to wash away the crimes they commited? How about when they' re the ones appointing the new civil servants? How about all that ?
let s wait and see what he ll do if hezbi or amal or psns thugs take the streets with arms again...
will he stop them from achieving goals?
will he stop all illegal constructions on public properties?
Thank you for your comments. You took the words out of my mouth. I fully agree with you. All I can say is Good Help Lebanon!! Hizbullah through their stupid puppets are effectively taking legal control of Lebanon. I can only hope that the Brave Syrian people will topple their criminal President and that the STL acts in full gear so we can witness a gradual weakening of Iranian puppets in Lebanon. As for Mikati, Aoun and Jumblatt shame on you !! We lebanese shall remember
How shabby !Was this picture taken early in the morning after a drink and coccain spree?