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Report: The Vatican to Study, Evaluate al-Rahi’s Statements

The Vatican has made an official request to Bkirki to review the latest controversial statements that Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi made to take the appropriate stance from them, informed European sources said.

The sources told al-Liwaa daily published Thursday that the Vatican would study and evaluate the statements which al-Rahi claimed were taken out of context.

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Syrian TV to Broadcast Confessions of Alleged Israeli Spy Linked to Mughniyeh Murder

The Syrian State television will broadcast on Saturday the confessions of an alleged Israeli spy who conspired to assassinate top Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh, State news agency SANA reported.

“The Israeli spy will reveal some of the details of the conspiracy against Syria,” SANA said on Wednesday.

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Nadim Gemayel: Suleiman, Al-Rahi’s Stance on Weapons Encourages Others to Turn to Arms

Phalange Party MP Nadim Gemayel condemned on Wednesday the possession of illegitimate arms in Lebanon, saying that President Michel Suleiman and Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s positions on Hizbullah’s weapons won’t change the fact that they are illegitimate.

He said after a mass commemorating the 29th anniversary of the assassination of his father, former President Bashir Gemayel: “They believe that the army cannot protect Lebanon and therefore allowing one faction to carry arms encourages others to turn to arms as well.”

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Geagea: Cloud of Uncertainty on al-Rahi’s Statements Has Passed

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday expressed relief at Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s confirmation that his statements on Syria and Hizbullah’s arms were taken out of context.

In remarks to Free Lebanon radio, Geagea said that he faced “uncertainty” when he heard al-Rahi’s remarks during his visit to Paris. “I know well the church’s stance and al-Rahi’s stand from humanitarian principles, core values, human rights, humanitarian dignity, the freedom of people, democracy and the right of self-determination.”

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March 14 Urges Govt. to Determine Position on STL Funding

The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Wednesday the various attempts aimed at procrastinating in funding the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that Lebanon is obligated to pay.

It therefore urged, in a statement after its weekly meeting, the Lebanese government to determine its position on the funding away from political and media maneuvers that are aimed at obstructing the functioning of the tribunal.

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Huge Military Sweep Launched in Northwest Syria

Syrian security forces on Wednesday launched a massive military operation in the northwest of the country, activists said, while calling for demonstrations Thursday to mark six months of revolt against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

"Six months. More than ever determined to (continue) the March 15 uprising," the activists wrote on their Facebook page, "Syrian Revolution 2011", despite the crackdown on protests which according to the United Nations has left 2,600 people dead, mostly civilians.

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Pietton to Visit al-Rahi Amid French Disappointment with his Remarks

French ambassador Denis Pietton unveiled on Wednesday that Paris was disappointed with the statements made by Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi following talks with top French officials.

In remarks to AlKalima Online website, Pietton said that the officials were “surprised and disappointed” with the remarks of al-Rahi who linked the fate of Hizbullah’s arms to the liberation of the remaining Israeli-occupied Lebanese territories.

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Report: Syria Freezes Ties with Jumblat as Hizbullah Accuses him of Shattering Cabinet

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat denied that he has asked to meet with Syria President Bashar Assad although informed sources said that Damascus froze its ties with the PSP chief.

In remarks to reporters on Tuesday, Jumblat said he hasn’t asked for a meeting with Assad or Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

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Report: Damascus Says it Has No Interest in Weakening Miqati’s Cabinet

Syrian officials have informed Lebanese Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn that Damascus is keen on supporting Premier Najib Miqati’s cabinet and has no interest in weakening it, As Safir daily reported Wednesday.

The newspaper said that the Syrian officials, including President Bashar Assad, told Ghosn during talks they held in Damascus on Monday that Syria “has no interest in weakening it (the Lebanese government).”

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U.S., French Envoys Join Condolence Ceremony for Slain Syrian Activist

The U.S. and French ambassadors traveled to the Damascus suburb of Daraya on Tuesday to attend a condolence ceremony for slain Syrian activist Ghiyath Matar, who reportedly died under torture, activists said.

"The ambassador of the United States arrived in Daraya along with the French ambassador to offer condolences after the death of Ghiyath Matar," the rights activists said on Twitter.

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