Saudi Arabia
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Fake Missiles at Downing Street in Saudi Arms Sale Protest

Campaigners delivered fake missiles to Downing Street on Friday to protest Britain's continued supply of arms to Saudi Arabia despite concerns they are being used against civilians in Yemen.

Amnesty International activists wearing white mechanics' boiler suits delivered five replicas of the 1.8-meter-long Paveway-IV weapons used by British-supplied Saudi jets outside Prime Minister David Cameron's office.

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Saudi Put to Death for Murder in 73rd Execution

A Saudi national convicted of murder was executed Wednesday, bringing to 73 the number of people put to death in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom this year, the interior ministry said.

Omar al-Rabie was found guilty of shooting to death Ghanem Salem following a dispute, the ministry said in a statement carried by state news agency SPA.

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Obama to Travel to UK, Saudi Arabia

President Barack Obama will travel to the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia in April, a visit set to be dominated by doubts over Britain's EU membership and concerns about turmoil in the Middle East.

The White House said Obama will visit Windsor Castle -- where he will have a private lunch with Queen Elizabeth II -- and 10 Downing Street for a joint press conference with Prime Minister David Cameron.

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'Thunder' in Saudi Desert as Huge Military Drill Ends

Warplanes roared overhead, tanks rumbled across the desert and smoke filled the sky Thursday for the final day of what Saudi Arabia billed as the region's biggest-ever military exercises.

The 12-day "Northern Thunder" maneuvers in the kingdom's northeast included 20 nations from the Middle East, Africa and Asia, Saudi officials said.

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France Defends Legion d'Honneur for Saudi Prince

France's foreign minister on Monday defended the awarding of the Legion d'Honneur, the country's highest honor, to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, after it sparked harsh criticism on social media.

"It's a diplomatic tradition and I could tell you about many Legions d'Honneur that have been given," Jean-Marc Ayrault, the newly appointed foreign minister, told France Inter radio.

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Environment Minister Meets Saudi FM: Kingdom's Measures against Lebanon Didn't Target Govt.

Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq held talks on Monday with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir on Lebanese-Saudi bilateral ties in wake of the kingdom's halt of a grant to Lebanese army.

The minister's office said in a statement: “The measures that Riyadh took did not target the Lebanese government.”

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Saudi Executes 70th Convict this Year

Saudi Arabia executed a citizen convicted of murder on Sunday, bringing to 70 the number of people it has put to death this year.

Alaa al-Zahrani was found guilty of killing fellow Saudi Abdullah al-Sumairi with a rock to the head, the interior ministry said.

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Saudi Crown Prince to French Officials: Riyadh Fears Army Grant Could Land in Hizbullah's Hands

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef paid a visit earlier this week to France where he defended to French officials the kingdom's decision to halt its grant to the Lebanese army, accusing Iran of extending its influence in the region to Lebanon, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.

A high-ranking official told the daily that the kingdom fears that arms grant would land in the hands of Hizbullah “given that the party's control over the military is increasing day by day.”

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Jumblat to Meet Hollande Wednesday in Wake of Saudi Measures against Lebanon

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat is expected to travel to France in the upcoming days where he is set to meet President Francois Hollande, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.

It said that he is scheduled to hold talks with the French leader on Wednesday at the Elysee Palace in Paris.

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Hariri Heads to Riyadh on Personal Visit

Head of the Mustaqbal Movement MP Saad Hariri traveled to Saudi Arabia on Saturday, announced his press office in a statement.

The former premier headed to the Saudi capital Riyadh on a family trip.

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