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Aleppo Recapture Deals Setback to Gulf Rebel Backers

The Syrian army's recapture of Aleppo has dealt a setback to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two supporters of rebel forces whose struggle to oust President Bashar Assad appears increasingly fruitless.

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Deadly Truck Attack Sparks Security Debate in Germany

Should Germany's popular Christmas markets be ringed with concrete, patrolled by armed soldiers and screened with surveillance cameras?

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From Panama Papers to Impeachments: 2016 Rocked by Corruption Scandals

From the Panama Papers to the impeachments of the presidents of Brazil and South Korea, 2016 was a year marked by corruption scandals, and by rising public outrage over graft.

The question is, will that translate into a lasting demand for cleaner politics?

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Decades after USSR fell, Stalinist Crimes Still Divide Russia

Andrei Kolesnikov laid out the letters his grandfather sent home from the Stalinist labour camp where he eventually died after eight years as a political prisoner.

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A Timeline of Attacks in Germany This Year

A truck rammed into shoppers at a Christmas market in Berlin on Monday, killing nine people and wounding dozens more in what German officials said was suspected to be an attack.

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Building a New Turkey: Erdogan's 'Crazy Projects'

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday opens a new road tunnel underneath the Bosphorus in Istanbul, the latest in a string of ambitious schemes to transform the country's infrastructure.

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U.S. Role in Iraq Five Years since Military Withdrawal

Five years since the American military completed its withdrawal from Iraq, U.S. forces are once again playing a major role in the country as part of the war against the Islamic State jihadist group.

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Armed Force Alone Will Never Vanquish IS, US Experts Say

If the Islamic State group is to be defeated and prevented from reappearing under some new guise, the root causes behind its birth and growth must be addressed, American experts say.

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Advantage Assad _ Aleppo Capture a Key Moment

The Syrian government's recapture of Aleppo after a prolonged and punishing air assault is a defining moment in the country's devastating civil war: it leaves President Bashar Assad in control of almost all major urban areas — and poised to petition for a role in the world community's broader war against Islamic State militants clinging to parts of Syria's northeast.

The prospect of such cooperation would once have been considered highly improbable. Assad became anathema in the West and much of the region after the brutal means he employed during six years of carnage that killed hundreds of thousands, displaced half his population and sent millions of refugees to neighboring countries and Europe.

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Surprise Recapture of Syria's Palmyra Gives IS Boost

The Islamic State group's surprise recapture of Syria's famed ancient city of Palmyra has given the jihadist group an important propaganda boon as it comes under attack elsewhere.

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