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German Police Union Urges Border Checks to Stem Refugee Flow

Germany's police union on Tuesday called for the reintroduction of internal European border controls and demanded more personnel to deal with a record flood of refugees.

"From a policing point of view, a return to border controls would be the best of all measures," said Rainer Wendt, chairman of the German Police Union, in a newspaper interview.

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U.S. F-16 Jet Crashes in Germany, Pilot Survives

A U.S. F-16 fighter jet crashed Tuesday in southern Germany but the pilot parachuted to safety with only minor injuries, local police and the U.S. military said.

The jet came down at 0738 GMT in a wooded area near the city of Bayreuth in Bavaria, sparking a forest fire. The cause of the crash was not immediately clear.

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Zarif Begins Lebanon Visit, Lauds Salam's 'Major Role' in 'Stability, Anti-Terror Fight'

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif began a two-day visit to Lebanon on Tuesday by meeting Prime Minister Tammam Salam.

“We discussed cooperation between the two countries and bilateral ties,” said Zarif after the Grand Serail talks.

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Lawmakers and Bloggers Named in German Treason Case

Germany's domestic spy agency named not just bloggers but also lawmakers in a criminal complaint that sparked a controversial treason probe, news weekly Der Spiegel said Friday.

The intelligence agency in its complaint "directed attention to members of parliament" and "explicitly names" a nine-member panel, said an excerpt of an article from Saturday's edition.

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IS Jihadists in Syria Video Threaten Germany

Two German-speaking jihadists claiming to belong to the Islamic State militant group threatened Germany with attacks in an execution video broadcast online Wednesday.

The five-minute clip shows the men use assault rifles to kill two bound and kneeling male hostages in the Syrian ancient city of Palmyra, which IS fighters took in May.

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Germany Detains Suspected Jihadist who Fled Spain

German police have detained a suspected Islamic State jihadist who fled Spain last month, German and Spanish authorities said Wednesday.

The 21-year-old Moroccan national, who lives in Spain, was detained on Tuesday near Stuttgart in southwestern Germany, German state police said in a statement.

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German Chief Prosecutor Sacked in Media Treason Row

Germany's justice minister on Tuesday fired the chief prosecutor in an escalating row sparked by a controversial treason case against a blog accused of revealing state secrets.

Justice Minister Heiko Maas said he had lost confidence in the chief prosecutor, Harald Range, who had hours earlier accused him of interfering in the judicial process.

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Dozens Injured after Blast in German WWII Bunker

A fire and an explosion in a World War II-era bunker injured at least 38 people early Tuesday in the northern German port city of Hamburg.

Firefighters said they would try to douse the blaze with foam to prevent the ignition of about 100 tons of essential oils stored in the bunker which also houses a carpentry workshop.

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Germany Hits New Immigration Record amid Rising Tensions

Germany took in a record number of immigrants last year amid growing tensions over the changing face of the nation, official statistics released Monday showed.

The number of newcomers in 2014 climbed to 10.9 million, the federal statistics office reported, as Europe's top economy continues to outperform many of its neighbors.

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Officials Discuss Export of Waste as Crisis Grows amid Heat Wave

Officials resumed on Monday discussing the country's waste crisis as Prime Minister Tammam Salam said that the export of garbage is among the proposals under discussion.

“The suggestion to export waste is among several other proposals” that are being discussed by the involved officials, Salam told As Safir daily.

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