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Asia's Largest Film Festival Closes with Record Visitors

A typhoon and a government budget cut did not stop cinema lovers from flocking to Asia's most influential film festival.

The annual Busan International Film Festival drew to a close on Saturday with a record number of visitors and many new Asian movies for the world to enjoy.

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Syria, Migrant Crisis Coverage Wins War Correspondents Prizes

France's prestigious Bayeux-Calvados award for war correspondents on Saturday honored journalists covering conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, as well as Europe's worst migrant crisis since World War II.

Two of the awards went to correspondents covering the Islamic State group's game plan and its atrocities.

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Hollywood Star LaBeouf Arrested for Public Intoxication

Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf, who starred in the blockbuster "Transformers" movies, has been arrested for being intoxicated in public, Texas police said.

The 29-year-old, who has had brushes with the law before, was arrested on Friday evening in Austin, police said in a terse statement that included a mugshot of the actor in a simple blue T-shirt and sporting a scruffy beard.

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'He's back': Hitler Mockumentary Touches Nerve in Germany

Imagine Hitler wakes up in today's Berlin, is mistaken for a hilarious impersonator of the Nazi leader and ends up a TV celebrity, widely cheered for voicing his demented worldview.

That's the premise of "He's Back" ("Er ist wieder da"), a biting social satire by author Timur Vermes, the movie version of which premiered in German cinemas this week.

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One-Fingered Japanese Climber Fails to Summit Everest

A one-fingered Japanese climber who was attempting the first summit of Mount Everest since this year's deadly quake said Thursday he had turned back before reaching the summit.

This is the fifth season Nobukazu Kuriki, who lost nine fingers on the mountain in 2012, has tried to scale the world's highest peak and he is the only climber making the dangerous attempt this year.

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Julio Iglesias Says Will No Longer Perform in Trump Casinos

Spanish singing legend Julio Iglesias says he will no longer perform in casinos belonging to U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump because of his anti-immigrant comments, in an interview published Wednesday.

"I have sung many times in his casinos, but I won't do it again. He seems to be an asshole," he told Barcelona-based daily newspaper La Vanguardia.

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Beyonce in Brief Superstar Collaboration

Two of music's top-selling stars have come together, however briefly, as Drake put out a new song featuring Beyonce.

Drake, the Canadian rapper who has found massive commercial success thanks in part to surprise releases, brought in the pop superstar on a song entitled "Can I?"

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Ad-Driven Scorsese Film Premieres in S. Korea

Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese's new film finally premiered at the Busan International Film Festival on Saturday after being pulled from the program in Venice and amid criticism of its commercial nature.

The 16-minute film, titled "The Audition" and starring Robert De Niro, made its world debut in an inconspicuous cinema tucked away at the back of a South Korean shopping mall.

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Small is Beautiful: Models under 1.30 Meters Wow Paris

Bucking the fashion show stereotype of tall, willowy models, Paris Fashion Week was treated Friday to a parade of women of restricted growth sashaying along the runway to great public applause.

The only criteria for becoming one of the atypical models showing off the New York Creative Business House's tailor-made collection, was that you had to be under 1.30 meters (four feet four inches) tall.

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Will Smith is Getting Jiggy with Music again with Latin Band

Will Smith is getting jiggy with music again.

The Grammy-winning rapper and Oscar-nominated actor appears on a remix of Colombian band Bomba Estereo's song, "Fiesta." The remix was released digitally on Friday.

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