Small is Beautiful: Models under 1.30 Meters Wow Paris


Bucking the fashion show stereotype of tall, willowy models, Paris Fashion Week was treated Friday to a parade of women of restricted growth sashaying along the runway to great public applause.

The only criteria for becoming one of the atypical models showing off the New York Creative Business House's tailor-made collection, was that you had to be under 1.30 meters (four feet four inches) tall.

The innovative show was created by the French "Donnons-leur une chance" (Give them a chance) association.

"The Dwarf Fashion Show", as it's been dubbed, was in its third edition after debuting at last year's Paris Fashion week and a show last winter in New York.

Asian fashionistas will be able to enjoy the show next year when it is due to hit the Tokyo catwalks.

"It's to change people's ideas of us, and because I like fashion I wanted to be on the catwalk," French model Emma told AFP.

"And it could give designers ideas of how to make clothes for us," she added.

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