Three Hurt as Russia's Damascus Mission Hit by Mortar

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A mortar round hit the compound of Moscow's embassy in the Syrian capital Damascus on Sunday, injuring three people, the Russian foreign ministry said.

"On September 22 as a result of shelling by the rebels of the Damascus neighborhood of Mazzeh, one of the shells exploded on the territory of the Russian Embassy in Syria," the ministry said in a statement.

"Three employees received non-life threatening injuries. Right now an investigation of the incident is under way."

The statement did not say whether those hurt were Russian or local employees, but it added that the embassy was looking into additional security measures after the attack.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group, said the incident was the first time that the embassy compound had been hit, though rebel forces arrayed in parts of the outskirts of the capital regularly fire rockets and mortar rounds into the city.

Russia is a staunch ally of the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, providing him with diplomatic backing as well as weapons.

Moscow was a key force behind a deal under which Damascus will hand over its chemical weapons stocks for destruction, which headed off a U.S. plan to take military action against the regime.

Comments 16
Thumb _mowaten_ 22 September 2013, 19:00

i wonder where the Geneva convention lovers are. you know, those who cried hot tears over a saudi embassy vehicle being searched, about how dramatic and cruel and inhumane and revolting it was.
i think here they are going to deafen us with their silence.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 22 September 2013, 19:15

Something like your silence on the article implicating Syria in the tripoli bombings?
I didn't hear you whine and moan when the US embassy was attacked by your beloved HA. Never heard you condemn it.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 22 September 2013, 19:18

Don't worry roar. I'm here. If anyone else isn't. ONE mortar falls on the Russian embassy and you are all in an uproar. Never heard you complain about the Geneva convention for all the crimes of Assad and co.
Something like M8 peeps like you all who go missing on articles implicating Syria in an attack against your countrymen. But quick to defend the Russians and the Syrian govt.

Thumb _mowaten_ 22 September 2013, 19:27

you mean the article where after torturing the man for several weeks, the ISF says he confessed that syria was behind it?
where they say they wanted to kill the sheikh who was inside the mosque but killed every body outside the mosque and nobody inside? sounds like the dreaded syrian moukhabarats suddenly became amateurs!

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 22 September 2013, 19:50

Yes muwaten. Add your own details to twist the story to your benefit. How surprising.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 22 September 2013, 20:00

Roar you do not know anything about me and who I did or did not fight for. So please do not assume what I did against the Syrians when they were here. So let us not assume. I was talking about you appearing when it is something al Qaida does against the Russians in Syria. And still say Assad is better than the alternative. Anyways the Russians being bombed in Syria is of little concern to me. What is of greater concern, and what muwaten keeps coming up with excuses, is syria's obvious involvement and crimes in Lebanon. Smaha, tripoli etc. but you and others still say Assad is better than the alternative. That's baffling.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 22 September 2013, 20:56

Good to hear the truth. That you would support a govt that you claim you fought against. That you would support a govt that with no doubt did and is still doing horrible things to your country and countrymen out of spite for a certain group. So if m14 stayed as Syrian boot lickers you would have been fine with them? M14 while complete pieces of ___. At least woke up. At least stood up FINALLY to the crimes of Syria. We're the boot lickers? Sure. But you prefer the guaranteed boot lickers.
Good for you for finally coming out with the truth on behalf of so many. And don't care if Lebanon falls into the abyss just to fulfil your spite.

Missing peace 22 September 2013, 21:09

never seen any M8ers condemn the last massacre of assad in hama killing women and children... now they cry coz 3 mortars were shot in a country at war and no one was killed? LOL!!
never seen you condemn any massacres done by assad but always finding him excuses!!! ( "he needed to clean", "he needed to wipe them out" and so on...)
so your hypocrit comments shove them up your....

and for the M8ers knowledge YES it is against the law to search ANY diplomatic car in any country... but we know how you consider laws, just when it suits you....

Missing peace 22 September 2013, 21:15

the roar... let us refresh your alzheimer memory... you said: "I despised M14 leaders who kissed the Syrians butts whilst on their soil"
let us remind you as you love aoun that he used to say that the most honest politician had to obey the syrians or die... i guess you would have died then if you were a politician at the time...

but now syria left and they were no more afraid to speak up their minds... you should be proud an the contrary!!
let us also remind you that the ones still licking syria's boots are ... aoun and his friends! M8 even thanked syria for what they did in lebanon... you should despise yourself then to support such people who thanked syria for all the horrors they did in lebanon.... you are to pity i guess....

Thumb _mowaten_ 22 September 2013, 22:33

viper-bite: you dont need to give us so much confirmation of the lowness of your IQ. we already knew.

Missing joker12 22 September 2013, 23:36

the lebanese are a failed people...forgotten boring jokes.

Thumb general_puppet 22 September 2013, 19:28

How nice the Iranian Assad cheerleaders all in a row... the only one missing is mr the_roar's beloved _.._.-..flamethrower _.._-...

Thumb general_puppet 22 September 2013, 20:25

benzona?... your powers of observation are amazing!

No wonder these two poor saps post so many idiotic comments :-)

All Hail the Pajama General and the Iranian Thug... rats I forgot my yellow and green pom-pons.

Thumb general_puppet 22 September 2013, 21:48

No wonder people refer to you as the boar... either I have many names or I am a loner, make up your mind.

Thumb lyom 23 September 2013, 01:55

Toz. Who cares? Chemical weapons weren't used.

Missing peace 23 September 2013, 10:43

" M14 assisted Syria against their own. " and just like M8 now! wahahaha!

oh! and there were no M8ers in the syrian gvts before? wahahahaha!!!
no M8ers thanked syria to have acted against their own people? wahahahaha!!!
i guess you will never learn LMAO! blinded by your hatred hi han hi han...