Tenenti: UNIFIL Will Not Evacuate South if Regional Situation Escalates
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Spokesman of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Andrea Tenenti noted that the implementation of U.N. Security Council 1701 will be halted should the situation in the region escalate, reported al-Mustaqbal daily on Sunday.
He added to the daily that UNIFIL will not leave the South should the situation escalate.
Resolution 1701 will be obstructed because its article on the halt of hostile acts would have been violated, he explained.
Should this occur, he added, then the position of the international force will lie in the hands of the Security Council.
UNIFIL has been deployed in the South since 1978 and it had never left the area throughout the wars that had been witnessed in the area, Tenenti stressed.
The international force is aimed at helping the Lebanese state and its people and overseeing the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel, he added.
Commenting on reports that an Italian ship had been sent to evacuate UNIFIL's Italian mission, he remarked that the Italian Embassy in Lebanon alone has an answer to these claims.
The international force has not altered its security measures and it has not intention to change its rules of engagement that dictate its actions in the South, Tenenti said.
Italy has already dispatched a warship to the eastern Mediterranean that could evacuate UNIFIL's 1,100-member Italian contingent if the conflict in Syria spills over into Lebanon.
"This is the best possible asset to act quickly in case of an evacuation," a navy spokesman told Agence France Presse on Saturday.
The Andrea Doria, a 153-meter long destroyer, "will monitor the situation,”he said.
Lebanese diplomats meanwhile told As Safir daily on Saturday that UNIFIL was considering an evacuation of the families of its staff away from the media spotlight

What has UNIFIL done for Lebanon ? It has been there since 1978 ? How many times did Israel violate Lebanese Soverignty since that year ? What did the UN do about it ? Every time the UN Security Council wanted to pass a resolution against Israel's trespass & violations with Lebanon , why the US would veto every single one of them ? Why didn't Russia act and launched Military strikes against Israel just because the US would veto any Resolution against Israel just like the US is planning to do against Syria because Russia has Vetoed any Resolution against Syria ! Israel on the other hand will always be a menace to our region ! They are both the only countries of the World that can " Milk a Flea " at the same time on either side of it ! So to milk a country or a Region is an easy call for them both . You Suicidal Fools ( US ) stick to the UN mandate or go out on one leg & Israel on the other , you are both doomed !
Signed Wolf ....

Well to be fair, the UN's strong point is providing humanitarian aid, so, at least it has that going for it. Also, it was the UN's provisions in the South that convinced Israel to leave (as well as HA's involvement at the time I suppose).
Besides, a veto's a veto. The US will protect its interests like any other country. Israel is a regional interest, therefor protected by the US.

Also, do I understand correctly that by saying the following:
"Resolution 1701 will be obstructed because its article on the halt of hostile acts would have been violated"
UNIFIL is saying if HA retaliates from Lebanon (or within the region?) they'll simply stop protecting the border and wait instruction from the Security Council? The Security Council I'm sure will command them to remain, but if not, what effect will this have on our neighbor Israel? Will they try to retake some parts of the South or are too busy themselves to commit any effort on Lebanese land?

"The Security Council I'm sure will command them to remain, but if not, what effect will this have on our neighbor Israel? Will they try to retake some parts of the South or are too busy themselves to commit any effort on Lebanese land?"
Because of the clear limitations of UNIFIL, I don't feel like their activity( or lack there of) is a significant variable in Israel's strategic calculus because they do not have any real influence on the activity of the hezb. So whether they are there or not, I think that Israel will continue about its business unless provoked by the hezb. Israel would much prefer a friend in Lebanon than anything else and definatly has no interest in instigating conflict whith out reason or occupying Lebanon- it is in our interests as fellow humans and neighbors to have successful and stable neighbors with whom we can have a healthy relationship.

As long as some misguided Lebanese people or parties deem Israel as their enemy for the "wrong" reason and dwell and get hooked on it like being hooked on drugs, Lebanon will never solve the manufactured deadly problems unfairly subjected to. Israel is like someone's castle. You will do whatever it takes to defend it, and yes, yes, yes, we all understand the Palestinian issues. Israel does not want to occupy Lebanon like Syria did for some 30 years. Israel will attack Lebanon (when offense becomes the best defense) when its security is threatened like when Lebanon is forced or allows foreign interests to divide us and transplant in our lands Palestinians armed with weapons directly across their enemies, and allow Iran to built an army in the South with intentions that challenges, conflicts and/or contradicts with Israeli security while Iran is on its way to expand its empire and prosper economically.

So no, Israel will not invade Lebanon "Willie Nellie" unless the puppet masters create the situation by greasing the pockets of the few Lebanese perpetrators. Demand to take out the Palestinian threat that has plagued Lebanon for so long. We've all suffered because of them. Our families lost their homes, businesses and had to escape to other countries because of the Palestinian presence and threat in Lebanon. We fought each other because some of us used the PLO as their own army to displace thousands of Lebanese from their homes and make room for rich foreigners from Gulf countries.

@Antwan: I have to laugh concerning your crazy comment..."...give info to USA, Israel, England...Germany..." I'm a German and I was working in Lebanon to give idea's, tried to show the Lebanese authority's a way to come out of the chaos and disorganization there. I invest my time full of enthusiasm for your holy country....and now I have to read this stupid comment. Shame on you!!!