Suleiman to Launch Initiative after GCC Action against Hizbullah
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President Michel Suleiman is expected to launch an initiative to find ways to confront a decision by Gulf Cooperation Council countries to take measures against Hizbullah's military intervention in Syria, Baabda palace sources said Wednesday.
The sources told An Nahar daily that the initiative comes in the presence of a caretaking cabinet and the absence of the new government that Premier-designate Tammam Salam is seeking to form.
A GCC statement issued late Monday said the measures against Hizbullah members will affect their "residency permits, and financial and commercial transactions.”
The statement urged the Lebanese government to "assume its responsibilities towards the behavior of Hizbullah and its illegal and inhumane practices in Syria and the region."
The bloc strongly condemned "the flagrant intervention of Hizbullah in Syria" and its "participation in shedding the blood of the Syrian people."
Fighters from Hizbullah openly spearheaded a 17-day assault on the Syrian town of Qusayr near the Lebanese border which culminated with its recapture from the rebels last Wednesday.
Suleiman met with Loyalty to the Resistance bloc leader MP Mohammed Raad at Baabda palace on Tuesday.
The presidential sources told An Nahar that Suleiman stressed to Raad the importance of noninterference in Syria's war and the commitment to the Baabda Declaration.
The president told the Hizbullah lawmaker that the all-party talks should be revived to “avoid a disaster.”
Suleiman also hoped that Hizbullah would help investigators in their probe into the deadly attack on protesters near the Iranian embassy on Sunday, the sources said.
Hizbullah members wielding batons assaulted protesters from the Lebanese Option Party and killed one of them after shooting him in the abdomen outside the mission in the neighborhood of Bir Hassan in Beirut's southern suburbs.
The demonstrators had barely time to stage their rally near the mission when they came under attack by the Hizbullah members who were wearing black shirts with yellow ribbons around their arms.
But the presidential sources told An Nahar that Raad denied the party's involvement in the assault.

The only initiative you could launch dear President, is to throw the HIzbollah animals in prison, pending their death punishment ! If only this were possible! All those who have been cheating the lebanese , killing their political opponents, killing demonstrators, subduing the lebanese army at will , killing its members at times, using it through infiltrated elements at others, conducting terrorist operations abroad, all this in broad daylight, in total impunity ! You don't sit and talk to declared murderers Mr President, you punish them and if you can't you wait, keep silence, and pray for someone to do the job for you. Whoever that may be.

"Suleiman stressed to Raad the importance of noninterference in Syria's war and the commitment to the Baabda Declaration."... I feel bad for the President, he has good intensions but all he can do is talk. Hizbullah's commitment is to the Axis and Nasrallah takes orders only from Iran, they have made it clear to everyone. The Lebanese government has become just an illusion, the Glorious militia rules by threat and force.

Mr prez how you gonna confront the decision by the Gcc when the root of the problem is not solve yet.
You should confront hizbkhra s decisions firt

what is there that the president or anyone can do?
this filthy militia has decided to defy just about everyone in going into Syria killing babies. what can be done to counter that?
it is logical that the GCC, Europe and others take measures against this filthy militia and their fpm supporters.
just in case you do not know it: of the 9 already kicked out of the GCC are fpm Christians.

I have read the previous comments!
Dear Mr. President;
I believe the dispatch of christian soldiers to "Christian" areas would be advised. The same with sunni, druze and shia soldiers. I hate to segragate but my hopes lay with your "Army". To use both the "Army" and certain militias to control the border is not a bad thing. Having Hizthrowup dictate border control is a shame!