Geagea: Cabinet’s Christian Ministers Will Serve those Who Appointed Them
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةLebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Friday claims that the new government has garnered several seats for the country’s Christians, saying that the ministers will not serve their portfolios and sect, but only those who appointed them.
He asked before a visiting delegation: “How can the Christians benefit from confronting the decisions of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the international and Arab communities?”
“How can the Christians benefit from protecting the illegitimate Lebanese and Palestinian arms?” he continued.
“How can the Christians benefit from restoring Syria’s hegemony over Lebanon?” he wondered.
“The fact that Christian figures were granted government portfolios does not mean that their interests will be achieved,” the LF leader stated.
Geagea said that passed experiences with “Christian President Emile Lahoud, who held office for nine years and managed a complete Christian team in various governments” did not accomplish Christian interests.
“In fact, it was the worst period for them,” he remarked.
“The government should be described as the cabinet of others’ interests and nothing else,” he concluded.
Future HQ called GEA GEA, and ordered him to start barking. Let us see how long he shall last. Is it not that Strida GEA GEA is the actual elected MP?? why is she quiet, while this un-elected thug is let loose??
Everybody, even his followers, already figured out that he has no clue what he's talking about. He has become a stand-up comic with an almost-daily show, where he talks, mostly about himself and his ridiculousness but uses other people's IDs. He's not only a criminal, but a thief, too.
The Christian ministers in this government are for the forst time since Taef , real Christians and proud to be Christians .
This is the first time that a strong Christian bloc is represented by 11 or 12 ministers , because the minister of interior is also chose by GMA .
So Mr Geagea , the days where YOU and your puppets from LF's and Kataeb or Kornet Sha'wan use to serve as a " paravaent " to the Hariri Saudi family , are over .
The Christians in Lebanon dont want YOU any more , they vomited you twice during elections in 2005 and again in 2009 . No more Christians or Maronite slaves for the Saudis and for Hariri .
Samir , Abou Samir is gone and finished , and you are gone and finished with him , like Saad yhe son of Rafik ... You are all gone and finished ..
GMA is today the master of the game , while you belong to history .
Let's play a game:
Who was protecting the palestinian arms with his allies when he was in the government and now talking about disarming them????
scroll down ...
Mister Gaga (I do prefer lady gaga)
why is this guy still talking? he's not even newsworthy, also i hope hizb and others cast him out even from their own so called territories, them and their fellow zaghran need to be cleansed from their holes.i say this cause so far the army and corrupt police authoriteis have failed to do so still.
seriously we can't take a walk in my own christian neighborhood village where we've been livin for decades without being stopped and apprehended by one of his paid "officials" or worst by his gang armed members and thieves, protecting a massive km radius of one of his left out castles creating a so called "security buffer zones" for their paranoia, poisoning sheep and dogs which belong to the local shepherds whom have been living there far before those thugs arrived.
Bashar's shabbiha in Lebanon cannot understand the truth because they cannot imagine that their Syrian shepperd is being purged.
They still believe that the guns, lies & coups will over rule.
Time is up guys!
This cabinet is the beginning of the end.
March 8 will implode because they will have no thick stick on their head to guide them and instruct them what to say and when to say it.
You start hearing Kanso, Arslan and others objecting?!?! Would they have ever dared to complain before? The revolt on Bashar's shabbiha will come from within.
These are signs of better days guys...
Freedom from arms, peace & civilization will have to prevail.
Geagea don't mind them. Just keep saying the truth.
Dr, I agree with your statement however with all due respect I would have replaced the word Christian by Lebanese. All these concerns are valid for any true patriot.
The assumption that the cabinet will not serve our ”Lebanese” agenda is probably true, until than, I’d rather save my energy, wait and see
you د give up mr geagea you always complaining you should give the new goverment أ chance .... boumeh..نتنة
Dr Geagea you are a wise man,,,, all true Lebanese of various sects respect your views,,, and i mean TRUE Lebanese. God bless you
Ya teacher ya ahbal, maybe you didnt hear Kataeb and LF repeat so many times the disarment of all factions in Lebanon, Lebanese and non Lebanese, but maybe you are too blinded because you are following leaders that are protecting those arms , like Aoun with Hezbollah, and Hezbollah with the palestinians, because if one disarment starts, the others will follow or there will be chaos. so indirectly Aoun by protecting Hezbollah's weapons, he is protecting the palestinian weapons too, and do not forget that half of the Lebanese army is chiites loyal to Hezbollah, now, do you really think it would go disarm palestinians if Hezbollah doesnt want to? Go find the real reasons ya zaki and remember who are the first parties and resistances that fought the Palestinians and syrians from 75-82 and has suffered most of their weapons and hatred towards christians.
Pacifier - what are saying? Your opinion is just like most Lebanese, you speak before you think. At the end of the day a disarming of weapons make the most sense but it won't happen without guarantees or dialog. The army is made up all religions who are loyal to Lebanon.
Joseph said it best, it should no longer be about Christians/Muslims. Lebanese is the proper term. I'm Christian and I live and work in Canada with Jews, Muslims, Chinese, Indians and we are all civil. Lebanon can get there but people with your mentality, god help Lebanon. Smarted up.
Every politician is a puppet and money or power hungry. They are selfish and act like they care. I've yet to see words become actions since 2005. Nothing has changed in Lebanon except power shifts in politics. Lebanese need water, electricity and a better economy. Where is this, tell them to deliver that and maybe more Lebanese would come back to live in the Pearl of the Middle East.
what does he know he should listen to the truth
Geagea is right and they can't handle the truth because all corrupted and following briberies and cheating on big scale even selling their own mothers to the highest iranian pay-cheque.
if aoun is representing the Christians in lebanon we are doomed the man is bad luck blood sucker evil.
most likely lebanon is heading toward upheaval.
must be sin is increasing in lebanon to be subjugated to iranians now, very simple when man refuses Jesus then he is accepting satan then hell will invite it-self in.
yes the devil is in the government and where the devil is hell is also, fact.
May Christ God bless Geagea and save lebanon from the hidden deadly storm coming toward lebanon ,and prayers to Christ Savior of humanity moves mountains.
Dabstract, i share your opinion and your point of view, and i too am a christian, and i live and work in Canada now, and i do not affiliate with any party for the moment, but i was just answering some who are accusing others of something they themselves are protecting, which is Hezbollah weapons and consequently Palestinian weapons.
- Let me , with all do respect correct you on some matters, you live in Canada , just like me right now, but have you lived in Lebanon ? i have lived there till the age of 18 and then came here after the war, and i can tell you something from my own experience , the army isnt loyal to anything, they are respectful, but it is made up like a cocktail, christians-sunnites-chiites-druze, and during the civil war it got divided for those same reasons. it cannot protect anyone as parts of it are directly affiliated to parties and i am not talking only about Hezbollah.
- As for dialogue , the moment we said we talk about disarming palestinians peacefully,
As for dialogue with palestinians, the moment we started to talk to them about that, they have replied with harsh words, and said it is out of the question to disarm them even peacefully. i agree they need better living conditions, and i am not against that, but try to approach Ain el helwe, maybe you will understand, it breeds terrorists and extremists, and must be handled as soon as possible even by force, why did Syria and Jordan years ago bombed them? because they were seeing the risk rising.. we offer salvation not war, although we have suffered their presence during the civil war which we know why it started.
- I , too, live in Canada, and i have friends from everywhere, but that doesnt mean i cannot be involved in my country's political views. you are accusing me of beeing like the rest, i will not reply to your insult , but only tell you that i have no problem sharing our points of view respectfully. thanks
One last thing, yes you are right about all lebanon's issues, we should handle them and specially confessionalism, but maybe some parties like Hezbollah should abolish their names like : ISLAMIC resistance of Lebanon, before asking for that, because it does not convince me when you have men, growing beards, not wearing neckties because it is a westernized mode, their tv channel has no christian or sunni anchor, so as their resistance, and that in 93 said that the best way for Lebanon to succeed is through an islamic state, and consequently repeating day after day that Iran's regime is magnificient, its revolution o bright, its leader so courageous and its existence so useful for the world, now tell me , as i can see in your picture , i think you are wearing clothes as a westerner, and you live in Canada, some parties, even if corrupted, are allied with modern western countries, you wanna go back to dark ages with Iranians ? thanks
Could those persian aounists stop insulting and try to answer his questions?
in this case you will prove your intelligence and that he is wrong!
otherwise you just remind me of small weak dogs barking to try and look like big ones !
facts are plain and simply :jumblatt ran under M14 ticket and M14 was elected by citizens of Lebanon not Iran and Syria so understand this.
Jumblatt got threatened by Hezbollah and switched sides and formed M8 which really is against what the Lebanese citizens wanted since he ran under M14 and thus formed the elected government which was voted in Syria and Iran by there citizens lol :) so all you sheep followers go jump and wait till the next election and see what happens.Jumblaat will never be trusted again and a lot of changes are coming so enjoy your lime light now as Syria falls and it will fall whether you like it or not all Syrian allies fate in Lebanon is already sealed no going back.Thank you
Dabstract, you said it like most of lebanese, so Pacifier idea works, and noone in lebanon or few people are thinking in being lebanese and not just sunies or shiies or maronite like you say, but the fact is that 8th of march are puting these ideas in people's heads about sectarism and a sect is much stronger than a sect... when LF gave arms in the 90's and her leader was sent to prison we went really under a syrian regim in lebanon espacially in Matn, zahle and kessrwan why all the shiites region werent so infected by syrians like ours ? and yes we dont want to come back to these days even syrians are sick from regim and dont want it anymore why should we accept bringing it back ? which regions aren't paying taxes ? which people are building on public lands ? who have arms and threatning everytime things dont go like he wants ? who forgot that this land is called Lebanon not Syria or Iran?
Yeah BD saad Harriri ignorant, it came from syria .. why after the death of 7afez every anti-syrian politician in that time came back to lebanon or came out from prison, i.e Aoun ya 7mar
Mansour you and M14 are so delusional. Junblat ran in 2010 local elections as an M8 candidate and he not only won ALL Druze areas (with Arslan) but also the sunni areas in the Shouf. The Sunnis are leaving the ignorant Saad Hariri and going to Safadi, Ahmad Karami, and Miqati. The lebanese majority support M8 because you are sheep for Israel, America, and saudi Arabia.