Families of Abducted Pilgrims Threaten to Escalate if Men Not Released

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The families of the nine pilgrims abducted in Syria's Aazaz threatened on Tuesday to escalate their measures at beginning of April if the case wasn't resolved.

Protesters held banners criticizing Lebanese authorities for failing to release the men.

They held a protest near the Arab Justice Ministers headquarters in the Sami Solh region before briefly blocking the road near the Justice Palace, causing bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Adham Zgheib, the son of one of the abducted pilgrims, read a statement issued by the families demanding officials to end the charade.

He called on President Michel Suleiman to end the crisis ahead of his return to Lebanon.

Suleiman traveled to the Qatari capital on Monday to attend the Arab League summit.

The president discussed the case with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Doha.

Eleven Lebanese pilgrims were kidnapped in Syria's Aleppo district in May 2012 as they were making their way back to Lebanon by land from pilgrimage in Iran.

Since then, two of them have been released, while the remaining nine are being held in Syria's Aazaz region.

Awad Ibrahim, one of the abducted pilgrims who were released, threatened that the families would go on a kidnapping spree in retaliation.

“Turkish and Syrian national will not be safe,” Ibrahim said.

The families of the pilgrims have repeatedly accused the government of failing to exert enough efforts to ensure their release.

They also held Turkey and Qatar responsible for the ongoing abduction.

Comments 6
Missing allouchi 26 March 2013, 13:39

i agree

Missing allouchi 26 March 2013, 13:39

you shouldn't blame the sunnis as a whole..i blame Iran and bachar

Thumb benzona 26 March 2013, 15:13

Just watch the French families of abductees in dispersed throughout Africa ... They don't harasse Hollande or the French authorities, they have dignity. 'Our' pilgrims are instrumentalized by Iran... It wouldn't be a problem if they didn't threaten everyone's security in the country, especially that we no longer have a PM.

I say, show no mercy and lock them up until they cool off.

Thumb benzona 26 March 2013, 15:14

They don't hate each other.... People are victims of their leadership.

Missing ehab11 26 March 2013, 16:33

I really think if it were not for Hezballahs antics they would have been released, nasrallah keeps antagonizing the FSA & yet he still expects gold class treatment. Our so called allies Iran recently brokered a prisoner exchange for some of its foreign mercenaries fighting Syrian people. Why did our "Iranian allies" include the lebanese men?

Thumb shab 26 March 2013, 23:09

Who let the Zak Zak's out? Not one IQ higher than cooked cabbage.