U.S. 'Urges Every Nation in the World' to Brand Hizbullah Terrorist Organization


U.S. Vice President Joe Biden stressed on Monday that Washington is “urging every nation in the world,” mainly European countries, to consider Hizbullah a terrorist organization.

Iran is “using terrorist proxies to spread violence in the region and beyond the region, putting Israelis, Americans, citizens of every continent in danger,” Biden told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the largest pro-Israel lobby in the United States.

“For too long, Hizbullah has tried to pose as nothing more than a political and social welfare group, while plotting against innocents in Eastern Europe -- from Eastern Europe to East Africa; from Southeast Asia to South America,” he said.

“Hizbullah is a terrorist organization.  Period.  And we are urging every nation in the world that we deal with -- and we deal with them all -- to start treating Hizbullah as such, and naming them as a terrorist organization,” he told the powerful lobby to a laud applause.

Hizbullah “has targeted people on several continents.  We’ll say and we’ll do our part to stop them.  And we ask the world to do the same,” he said.

“That’s why we’ve been talking to our friends in Europe to forcefully declare Hizbullah a terrorist organization,” Biden added.

Hizbullah has been on a U.S. terror blacklist since 1995 after a series of anti-American attacks, including the bombing of the U.S. embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut in the 1980s.

Pressure on Europe to brand it a terrorist organization began to rise after Bulgaria accused the group of involvement in a deadly bus bomb attack on Israeli tourists in the resort of Burgas last July.

Comments 28
Thumb chouchou 05 March 2013, 08:46

Al Awwal eh chou jeyina minkon ghair el kharab ya amerka!

Thumb clouseau 05 March 2013, 12:53

Israel & Iran are under-table allies thus controlling sunnis!

Thumb bigsami 05 March 2013, 16:07

HA is SCUM. Labeling them ONLY as Terrorists is too tame/kind. They are EVIL and filthy....to say the least! Just look at their followers here and their lack of class.

Thumb geha 05 March 2013, 17:14

mowaten, ft and karim:
you have demonstrated your extremist sectarian views to all on this site, accusing anyone who has a different opinion as a salafi, Israeli, or ...
your efforts to cover up the shia extremism being carried on by hizushaitan is vain as it is clear to all.

Missing samiam 05 March 2013, 22:39

karim--define terrorist

if you google the term, you get any individual or group that uses violence or the threat of violence to achieve political ends

guess what--HA meets that criteria and therefore they are a terrorist organization. End of story no matter your apparent befuddlement.

Default-user-icon Horus (Guest) 05 March 2013, 09:18

Funny to see the contrast, How Iran and the MEA has only built societies and are springs of Human Benchmarks.
If Amerka was to open its doors there will be no Lebanese left in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 05 March 2013, 10:19

hizb say they want to free all lebanese occupied land
so Mr biden tell israel to give back all land to lebanon
hizb say they defend lebanon
so M r biden give the lebanese army defensive arms like anti aircraft and anti tank misssiles

Missing eurybaric 05 March 2013, 12:27

Really now? Would you give military support to a government you're not sure about its present/future stances? FYI the U.S. did that mistake many times before, and I dont think they're that excited about doing it again.

P.S: That works both ways btw, it doesnt matter who controls it now if you're not sure in who's hands the arms/support will end up in tomorrow.

Missing phillipo 05 March 2013, 18:59

Just what Lebanese land does Israel occupy?
According to the UN - none.

Default-user-icon Chris (Guest) 05 March 2013, 10:36

Only Naharnet would have the audacity to promote Zionist politics and be a mouthpiece against a fellow Lebanese popular party. Naharnet and M14 should be ashamed of themselves. That said, they don't even respect themselves so we don't expect anything other.

Missing eurybaric 05 March 2013, 12:29

What? should they refrain from giving you news?... maaan, sometimes... sometimes...

Default-user-icon dandoun (Guest) 05 March 2013, 11:11

u know why is it a terrorist organization ?? !!!! i dont see them bombing anything or doing anything..let me see..in iraq not the hizb bombing..in egypt ..in seryia ..i mean what is so bothering people about hizib...@ al-kafi..i will occupy ur home ...just cause i feel like it..r u gonna welcome me...and offer me coffee and lunch ..and tell me ehhh il biet baytik ....no u wont !!!! the only thing u would do ..is fight with me till i leave ur home...IT like wow..is hatred for the hizb or hatred for something u dream off !!!! ???

Missing lappeaudecouille 05 March 2013, 11:19

Chris this is worldwide news. Have the balls to accept it. Naharnet has been great in posting news from both ends of the floor.

Thumb mckinl 05 March 2013, 11:25

By any measure Biden wishes to use to brand the HA a terrorist organization then the USA and Israel would have long ago been classified as such. Here we have the two most egregious examples of state spomsored terrorism.

The USA with illegal wars, war crimes and wanton assassinations and Israel with crimes against humanity for Apartheid, torture and the collective punishment they have meted out against the Palestinians for decades.

Thumb dandoun 05 March 2013, 11:27

am guessing the truth hurt for whoever disliked ma comments loooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Missing lappeaudecouille 05 March 2013, 12:55

In my opinion and many others who obviously have been around this source of news for quite a while, this is actually news that is not stained. It is transmitted as received which is why so many of us have hung around. I do not think that naharnet is promoting the zionist regime nor the Iranian one. And for those who just want to read one side of the story you might as well visit LF, Manar, Tayyar Future websites etc etc. They are definitely filled with news that will suit your taste.

Missing eurybaric 05 March 2013, 14:17

I guess you made everyone angry with that comment ;) Couldn't agree more though.

Missing allouchi 05 March 2013, 14:49

Josh, here are some of Hizb terrorists acts: Assassinating Lebanese political figures or hiding the killers, taking over the Lebanese government by threat of force, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Bahrain, Kazakhstan etc... just to name a few...

Thumb benzona 05 March 2013, 15:07

yes USA or Israel are in a bad position to call for the world label Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. but we, Lebanese, know that HA is a terrorist organisation, they were a legitimate resistance until their mission was accomplished in May 2000. ever since they're just thugs, thieves, drug dealers, assassins and terrorists. I urge the Shia community to fight for the foundation of a new shia political faction that will represent them properly.

Missing gcb1 05 March 2013, 16:20


"ever since they're just thugs, thieves, drug dealers, assassins and terrorists"

Even if that was true (and that's debatable given the questionable 'evidence' to support that", being thugs, thieves, or drug dealers does not qualify as terrorism. Just saying.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 05 March 2013, 17:05

Could it be because they are killing fellow lebanese using bombs the same way terrorists do? However, you can explain that away so easily with your racist remarks.

Thumb Captain 05 March 2013, 15:17

Funny and sad that the US who killed the American Indians and raped their lands, enslaved and killed Africans, dropped the bomb on Nagazaki and Hiroshima and killed millions of innocent people, created the flu virus for population control in Asia and Islamic countries and wish to label a resistance a terrorist group. There is absolutely no proof that Hezbullah did any of the stuff that Israel claims in Bulgaria or Venezuela or whatever country.

Thumb geha 05 March 2013, 17:15

more sectarian hatred :)

Thumb geha 05 March 2013, 17:17

the source of all our pains is the shia extremism carried on by hizbushaotan.

Default-user-icon Kozta Zvaria (Guest) 05 March 2013, 19:29

.. and when they do, what a big difference it will make! Hizbullah will collapse like dominoes and Israel will live happily ever after! Wow! Talking about idiots and idiotic ideas! No wonder superpowers are becoming super as..oles stumbling about and crushing their own like blind elephants.

Thumb dandoun 05 March 2013, 20:12

loooooooooooooool damn the truth does hurt looooooooool

Thumb kanaandian 06 March 2013, 00:21

Brand Saudi Arabia as part of the axis of evil first.
America and AIPAC support radical Salafi terrorists

Thumb shab 06 March 2013, 08:33

Thank you for your help against the filthy militia