FSA: We will Treat Hizbullah Fighters as 'Mercenaries'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Free Syran Army Military Commander General Salim Idris said on Monday that he ordered his fighters to treat Hizbullah's captives as “mercenaries and not as prisoners of war”.
Idris elaborated that Hizbullah's fighters will be tried in military courts: “They will not be treated following the conditions mentioned in the international law and which mention a trade between the prisoners of the parties at war”.
He noted: “We welcome all international parties wanting to be reassured about process undertaken during the trial”.
Three Lebanese Shiites have been killed in fighting in Syria, a Hizbullah official said Sunday, as the Syrian opposition accused the Lebanese group of intervening on the side of the regime.
He said they were acting in "self-defense", without specifying if they were Hizbullah members.

so, we (at least the non brainwashed ones) have already known that. So what's new?

The Lebanese don't want this war. Take your violent rhetoric elsewhere.

hizbushaitan is just one terrorist militia and their time is coming to an end soon, as has happened with all previous terrorist organizations that had overrun our state previously.

very stupidly intelligent ..omar ..el.. solh, why not mohammad el bakri.

U guys attacked everything Omar said... Except for any of his points. U guys made fun of his name.
Anyway... Do u guys really think the fsa can attack the Shia in Lebanon n that's it?? How big do u think Lebanon is??.... Just wondering, how many of u live here?

Point is that the FSA can take it into their own hands to exact any action they deem necessary to advance their aims.
To put it practically, not just the FSA, but more extremist elements belonging to the Syrian opposition could potentially attack locations within Lebanon, under cover or in uniform. If you take into account the extremism that is existent in Syria, the intent with which these plans will be delivered could be on an inhumane and vile level.
I'd like to point out that this has nothing to do with living in fear. However it gives a realistic impression that all actions have consequences, and that those who support or wish to stand idle towards actions that put the people of Lebanon in peril will be in the most danger.

For hundreds of years now, the Shias have been slapping theirs chests and slicing their heads open with swords, for regret of abandoning Imam Hussein (Alayhim Salam), the Prophets Family (AS) and supporters in Karbala, and choosing instead to submit and side with Yazid of Syria. Many hundreds of years later, what do they do again, they choose to side with the butcher of Damascus. Their Imams are liars and should be put to the sword, along with Hizbshaytan.

Love Hezbollah or hate them, I find it hard to believe that the Free Syrian Army is up to any good.

Beat the hell out of Hizbollah! Hope you finish your duty in Dahyé when you finally get rid of Bashar and his clique !

Come on, Lebanese, kick off Hezbollah, this extremist, islamist, terorist group.

Look at the big picture Fellow , it's all about the Israel safety in the area , they are busy with the election so they are just keeping you busy with syria haha and iran ! small minded folks

HA and FSA and all of the political movements in Lebanon are small can united and built by patriot and loyalty savages can aim to look after their people then aim to target abroad
gangsters trying to make a living for them self's , Only a government

hizbolla did not kill Israel out of Beirut. hizbocrap is the one that is fighting them IN THEIR COUNTRY so they should do whatever they want with them.

if hizbocrap was lebanese then why are they fighting in SYRIA?

doesn't matter what your name is or who your grandfather was you supporting hizbocrap fighting to defend ASSad is just plain old stupid.

Why don't we just let them alone and not get involve in this horrible war.

now the salafist sympathisers will claim that you're a shia in hiding too...