Miqati Rejects Tampering with Freedom of Expression of MPs

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati called on Tuesday for the impartiality of the judiciary and stressed that the freedom of expression of lawmakers shouldn't be targeted.

“We reiterate our call to keep the Lebanese judiciary away from the political differences and stress that it should be allowed to carry out its work with absolute impartiality away from any sort of influence,” Miqati told a delegation visiting him at the Grand Serail.

Yet “the freedom of expression granted to lawmakers should not be tampered with,” he said.

Miqati was referring to the recent request of General Prosecutor Hatem Madi to lift the immunity off March 14 opposition MP Butros Harb for insulting President Michel Suleiman and the judiciary.

Harb has described the request as “ridiculous” and “fabricated.”

The MP had told several media outlets that Suleiman's intervention in the case of a plot to assassinate him helped Madi charge Mahmoud Hayek, a Hizbullah member.

Harb also said that Hizbullah had tried to negotiate with the judiciary to allow Hayek, who was charged last week with the July 2012 attempt on his life, to give his testimony and then be released.

In his remarks, Miqati reiterated his support for the Lebanese army, whose patrol was ambushed in the eastern border town of Arsal last Friday leaving two soldiers dead.

“We reject the attack against it from any side it came,” the prime minister said.

Miqati later visited President Michel Suleiman at Baabda palace to discuss with him the measures taken by the army in Arsal.

Comments 6
Missing samiam 05 February 2013, 12:56

I guess you like persiofascism as an alternative--just go with that instead--makes you sound less of a hypocrite.

Thumb Mordekaiser 05 February 2013, 14:13

I guess all those accusations have become very dull recently... What if I told you that both parties 8 and 14 love Lebanon very much but are being played by outside forces through strategically placed members in both... While the hate was enhanced by a series of events, assassinations and terrorist acts that have happened without anyone claiming responsibility for, further widening the gap between 8 and 14 and fortifying the mistrust...
We have brains... Use them

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (Guest) 05 February 2013, 13:47

Mr MIquati
freedom of expression is for all the people in the first place not only mp 's

Thumb bronco 05 February 2013, 15:39

unfortunatly neither side love our beloved Lebanon enough to back off and stop meddling with it, they have there own interest at heart

Thumb Mordekaiser 05 February 2013, 16:26

Bronco i agree that it looks that way, but what i believe is that each side believes that their way is the more beneficiary way for the country to prosper and they have been so blinded with that belief that they cannot see that their bickering is having a negative effect on the people... It is just sad

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 05 February 2013, 17:00
