'Famissima' the 10th Team to Qualify for this Year's MIT Semi-Finalist Round


Tunisian “Famissima” has been selected as one of the semi-finalist teams for this year’s MIT Enterprise Forum Pan Arab Region Startup Competition for the Ideas Track

Idea Inspiration

When Ahlem Bouchahda a busy mother of two, found herself overwhelmed with work, her children’s after school activities and her daily errands she started talking to other parents who were in a similar situation, hoping to find some answers. Her conclusion was simple; family life was becoming increasingly demanding and when searching for a comprehensive solution specifically tailored to meet the needs of today’s tech savvy families she found none.

Being an ICT specialist herslef Ahlem realized that technology could be utilized to serve the busy schedule of working parents and decided to establish “Famissima”. Famissima is an online platform created specifically for busy parents who need an easy-to-use and all in one solution to help simplify the duties that come with a hectic family life.

An Online Family Management Journal

Famissima is a free online platform built around a social network of 2.0 parents specially designed to simplify family life. It's a comprehensive solution where parents can meet, post ads, share experiences, give and get advices from parents and experts, organize family life, save and share favorite memories and important information, organize events, discover places to go, buy goods, find home service professionals and request support in any family related issue. By using Famissima users can manage their daily activities and that of their families all in one place. A simpler more productive life for parents is what Famissima hopes to achieve once it’s launched.

Advice for Entrepreneurs

“Follow your dreams, they know the way” is something I always keep in mind says Famissima founder Ahlem Bouchahda when asked on what advice she has for entrepreneurs.

Famissima will attend a two day workshop in Qatar in April 25 along with 49 other teams, where they will receive coaching, training and network with other entrepreneurs from the Arab region and meet the region’s major players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. “We applied to the competition because we realized that it was time to take our idea a step further and to transform it into a reality. We know we have potential but we are not sure how to start implementing our idea. Our team has the technical skills however in starting a business we need more than just technical skills. We believe that it will be a great opportunity to network and develop our skills, learn and acquire the tools and skills required to launch our business.” said Ahlem . 

Semi-finalist ideas or startups in ICT, digital media, and mobile will automatically qualify for the Oasis 500 training and acceleration program http://www.oasis500.com/ , which is a six-day training program that covers all business aspects, including business modeling, financials, pitching, facilitation and marketing.

Find out more about Famissima:

By visiting their website www.famissima.com

Visiting their Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Famissima

Watching their 1 Minute Pitch:  http://bit.ly/11DjPem

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