Williams Urges Lebanese Officials to Form Cabinet, Avoid Economic Break Down

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U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams said that the Lebanese government crisis isn’t witnessing any breakthrough, which is affecting the economic sector.

Williams told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Friday that the tourism season in Lebanon isn’t promising this year, hotel and flight reservations are deteriorating and most tourists come from neighboring Arab countries.

The U.N. Special Coordinator stressed that two months have passed on the kidnapping of the seven Estonians which clearly forms an obstacle for Europeans to head to Lebanon during the summer.

Williams snapped back at Israeli officials who have criticized him for saying that the Jewish state used excessive force against unarmed protesters in the border town of Maroun al-Ras on Nakba Day last Sunday.

He said that UNIFIL Commander Maj. Gen. Alberto Asarta was on a constant contact with the Lebanese and Israeli army officials during the demonstration.

The daily quoted him as saying that the protesters violated the Blue Line in contravention with U.N. Security Council resolution 1701, nevertheless they didn’t cross the technical border fence.

In response to a question if incidents of this kind might raise fears of a war or military confrontation, Williams said that he doubted this option.

He confirmed that many countries that have contingents in UNIFIL confirmed their commitment to their task in southern Lebanon.

Williams visited Caretaker Minister Salim Sayegh on Friday. “We are very conscious of the work they do throughout Lebanon and very conscious of the efforts of the minister recently with regards to the numbers of Syrian people displaced in northern Lebanon,” he said.

He said the U.N. is working closely with the ministry and the Higher Relief Council to see that the needs of the displaced people can be met.

“The humanitarian situation I believe in Akkar is another reminder of why we need to see the formation of an early government in Lebanon,” he added.

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