Report: Most Illicit Arms in Syria Go to Islamists


The majority of weapons secretly shipped to Syria at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar go to hardline Islamic rebel groups rather than more secular organizations favored by the West, The New York Times reported Monday.

Citing unnamed officials, the newspaper said this was the conclusion reached in classified reports presented to President Barack Obama and other senior officials.

This situation has prompted officials to voice frustration over the fact that there is no central clearinghouse for the shipments and no effective way of vetting the groups that receive them, the report said.

Because of this, Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus traveled secretly to Turkey last month in a bid to steer the supply effort, the report said.

The CIA has not commented on the trip.

Petraeus's goal was to oversee the process of "vetting, and then shaping, an opposition that the U.S. thinks it can work with," the paper quoted an unnamed Middle Eastern diplomat as saying.

The CIA has also sent officers to Turkey to help direct the aid, but the agency lacks good intelligence about the many rebel figures and factions operating in Syria, The Times noted.

Comments 4
Thumb Marc 15 October 2012, 14:53

It is a civil war in every way, shape and form! Civil unrest always produces all kind of extremism and that is what is happening. Syria will never be the same and bashar really messed up in terms of dealing with protesters and then rebels!

الله يقويهم على بعض ويحلو عنا

Thumb MakaWaka 15 October 2012, 16:33

No surprise there...

Thumb thepatriot 15 October 2012, 16:45

Surely, the longer this war will last, the more radicals will immerge. When in sight of atrocities, people tend to extremism... it is sad, and revolting... but what goes around comes around, the Assads had it comming... I hope their end is near before the extremists and the radicals become larger in numbers. From what I know, they are still in a ratio of about 1/10.

Thumb lebnanfirst 15 October 2012, 16:48

So in your book HA is a secular entity then?

It is not good news that Islamist are getting the lion's share and that is why the US is concerned and Petraeus is trying to rectify the imbalance. Reports I read state that Qatar is arming Islamist while Saudi is trying to arm less religious and secular groups. Why Qatar is leaning towards Islamist is beyond me.