Gunmen Assault Security Forces in Jbeil as Chief of Police Vows to Arrest them 'at All Costs'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Internal Security Forces confirmed on Friday that gunmen assaulted one of its patrols as it was attempting to prevent individuals from illegally cutting down trees for firewood in the town of Almat, Jbeil.

Chief of police Joseph al-Duweihi said in a press conference that some 20 gunmen assaulted the patrol, stealing some of their weapons.

He revealed that ten of the attackers have since been arrested in raids that had been ordered by Interior Minister Marwan Charbel.

Al-Duweihi vowed that the remaining assailants will be arrested “at all costs.”

He therefore urged the attackers to hand themselves over to the security forces.

“We are here to serve the people and we will no longer remain silent over any attack,” he declared.

The chief of police denied claims that he had received telephone calls from political powers urging him to release the gunmen.

Comments 9
Thumb phoenician 28 September 2012, 19:28

Well done Sir.

Missing phillipo 29 September 2012, 15:18

I would go further than that.
Anyone who shoots at the security forces deserves only......a bullet in the head. No need to take prisoners.
These people undermind the security of the state and should be considered as terrorists, and we all know how terrorists should be dealt with.
The very fact that civilians hold arms should be made illegal with very harsh punishments for anyone caught carrying a weapon.

Thumb bigsami 28 September 2012, 20:46

.....some 20 gunmen assaulted the patrol, stealing some of their weapons." This country will never see peace until NO ONE is allowed to possess weapons accept one & only legitimate security force! This starts with removing HA from the equation and anyone else that dares to hold a weapon will be dealt with utmost severe punishment! You must have total RESPECT for officials or else you will have this kind of "anything" goes civilization.

Thumb primesuspect 28 September 2012, 20:59

I agree with you, but there's a huge gap between what a should be and how it'll be. The terrorists will never lay down their weapons, they'd rather take them down with them in their graves.

Missing samiam 28 September 2012, 22:12

Shiites yes, but there is a big HA contingent in the area, and since these types stoop low enough to try to steal land from a church like in Lassa, then cutting down trees is child's play to them.

Missing gabby5 28 September 2012, 23:18

Where is the response form the black turban??? Oh wait.....he ordered it to keep pressure on the country yet again.

Default-user-icon dead on the inside (Guest) 29 September 2012, 11:03

if insulting a prophet is wrong and causes such uncontrollable rage... how bout the wrongness of civil strife, murder, hate, stealing, lawlessness, lying, disobedience, corruption ??? is this about honor only or about righteousness ?

Missing cedars 29 September 2012, 21:12

Ghobeyri, Jbeil and Bekaa shot at the Army or ISF, common factor? We definitively do not have Zionists in Ghobeyri, Jbeil and Bekaa but rather those who are shooting at the Lebanese Armed Forces are in fact the real zionists against the land a true state.

Missing shark15 30 September 2012, 03:54

Cedars those who attack the Army or the ISF are the real Zionsits,people who are denfending Assad are Zionists as well.Tyey support a country called Iran who bought weapons from the Zionists to Fight Iraq but yet Hasan wants to give us lessons on Fighting the Zionists,they should start with Syria and Iran first..