Putin Says Security of Syria Leadership a Condition of any Transition Process

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Russian President Vladimir Putin urged Western and Arab powers Thursday to reassess their stance on Syria and ensure the security of its current leadership in any power transition process.

"Why should Russia be the only one reassessing its position? Perhaps our negotiating partners should reassess their position," Putin told Russia Today television.

"Because if you recall what happened in recent years... you will see that far from all of our partners' initiatives ended the way they wanted them to," he said in reference to Western involvement in countries such as Libya.

The Russian leader stressed that talks should still be able to end the escalating violence and insisted that the fate of its Soviet-era ally's new government should be decided by the Syrians themselves.

He also made the security of the regime's negotiating team and leadership a condition of any transition process. Putin made no reference to President Bashar Assad himself.

"To us, the most important thing is to end the violence, to force all the sides in the conflict... to sit down at the negotiating table, determine the future and ensure the security of all the participants of the domestic political process," Putin said.

"Only then move on to these practical steps about the internal organization of the country itself."

Russia has stirred Western and Arab world anger by vetoing three U.N. Security Council resolutions providing for sanctions against Assad during the 18-month conflict and accused the United States of openly pursuing "regime change".

Putin dismissed criticism that Russia was shielding Assad by using its U.N. veto and supplying his army with arms.

"We understand perfectly well that changes there are needed, but believe that this does not mean that these changes should be bloody," said Putin.

"We have an equal amount of respect for all," he stressed.

Russia has been holding periodic consultations in Moscow with representatives of Syria's various opposition groups.

But its first meeting with the Syrian National Council in July ended with the umbrella group accusing Moscow of inciting more bloodshed through its stance.

Comments 13
Default-user-icon free arabia (Guest) 06 September 2012, 13:17

burn in hell you and the syrian leadership

Missing freedom1 06 September 2012, 13:24

Putin is a dog.

Thumb bigsami 06 September 2012, 19:59

Motormouth aka BSThrower....another fine example of your tasteless/worthless posts. And you wonder why your disliked. Go back and sit on hassan's lap like a good obeying dog!

Thumb primesuspect 06 September 2012, 21:34

Aren't you paid to also defend Putin? Or is it only Aoun/Assad/Ahmadinjad/Nasrallah?

Thumb benzona 07 September 2012, 11:17

Everybody spotted the impostor. AKA I quote BigSami: "BSThrower". mouahahaha Walla it's sad to impersonate different people, I feel pitty for you for falling this low. Allah yi se3dak (and I mean it from the bottom of my heart)

Default-user-icon RIP (Guest) 06 September 2012, 13:29

And what about the security of Alawites after the regime falls.... another proof that leaders and politicians use their sects for personal interests... all what assad care about now is how to get away with his massacres and his fortune

Missing christie 06 September 2012, 15:42

The west is trying to force regime change so they can install a puppet government in syria, and they are using the FSA and terrorist organisations to do it. The FSA are going to be very disappointed if they think America and its allies are going to let them run the country in the unlikely event that they succeed in overthrowing the syrian government.


Reports reveal Saudi-US anti-Syria plot devised in 2008


Thumb bipartisan 06 September 2012, 16:23

guys why should you care for what happens in syria the electricity is still the same the taxes are reaching a new hike and wether assad stays or goes that doesn't change the fact that we have to get a lebanese constructive forum to address the fears of Hezbollah in order to merge its weapons in the lebanese army. Please guys have some common sense take a constructive history lesson. It doesn't matter who wins, by the end of the day you'll see that only together we can build that country and wether mouwaten or the phoenix are right it doesn't matter both should come together if we are to pass to the next generation a better country

Thumb bipartisan 06 September 2012, 16:23

guys why should you care for what happens in syria the electricity is still the same the taxes are reaching a new hike and wether assad stays or goes that doesn't change the fact that we have to get a lebanese constructive forum to address the fears of Hezbollah in order to merge its weapons in the lebanese army. Please guys have some common sense take a constructive history lesson. It doesn't matter who wins, by the end of the day you'll see that only together we can build that country and wether mouwaten or the phoenix are right it doesn't matter both should come together if we are to pass to the next generation a better country

Thumb bipartisan 06 September 2012, 16:23

guys why should you care for what happens in syria the electricity is still the same the taxes are reaching a new hike and wether assad stays or goes that doesn't change the fact that we have to get a lebanese constructive forum to address the fears of Hezbollah in order to merge its weapons in the lebanese army. Please guys have some common sense take a constructive history lesson. It doesn't matter who wins, by the end of the day you'll see that only together we can build that country and wether mouwaten or the phoenix are right it doesn't matter both should come together if we are to pass to the next generation a better country

Missing vaclav_havel 06 September 2012, 18:31

why should we care?
La2an 2awalan 2ektissad baladna marbout she2na 2aw 2abayna bel wade3 bi souriya ( bi 2adi l sadirat 3al belden l 3arabiyi)!
tnen l nizam 3ala zawel wel afdal la 2elna n7adir l tari2 la ba3ed l nizam ( bine2 3ale2at jdidi)!
tletti l nizam l 7eli ba3do mawjoud bi baladna w ba3do bisehim bi te2sim l balad w 2eshti3al 7areb ben l tawe2if, fa mafina ma nedakhal!

Thumb bigsami 06 September 2012, 20:02

Motormouth clearly we can see from all your posts that you enjoy being lead by fascist dictators. No problem with that but keep it out of Lebanon. You like it so much, pack your mule and head to Iran.

Thumb bigsami 06 September 2012, 20:09

Come together with the likes of Motormouth/BSThrower....come on dude. These people live in the dark ages and enjoy being suppressed. Where most the civilized world enjoys peace, prosperity and freedom, these people can't handle such an environment. They thrive on hate, aggression and intimidation. Lebanon was born to be free and deserves the best but with barbarians like HA pointing arms at the people.....it won't happen. So the day will come and these convicts will be nothing but history.