Video Shows Hussam Hussam in Custody of Syrian Rebels


A YouTube video uploaded on Sunday showed Hussam Hussam -- who has claimed to be a witness in the 2005 assassination of ex-PM Rafik Hariri – in the custody of a group of Syrian rebels.

The group said it was part of the “brigades” that “stormed” the Syrian capital Damascus.

In the video, Hussam again identified himself as a witness in the Hariri case and said he wants to be sent to Beirut where he would unveil “big surprises that no one would have ever expected.”

Also in the video, the leader of the armed group addresses former premier Saad Hariri.

“In my name and in the name of the revolutionaries of Damascus and Syria, we will send you a gift: Hussam Hussam,” the rebel commander says, addressing Hariri.

In a phone interview with LBCI television, the same rebel commander, who identified himself as Abu Ali al-Doumani, said Hussam was captured at a flying checkpoint manned by Syrian rebels in the Damascus neighborhood of Mazzeh.

Al-Doumani told LBCI that his group was in contact with ex-PM Saad Hariri and that it intends to hand over Hussam to Lebanon.

In August 2010, Hussam confirmed claims by Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah that an Israeli agent identified as Ghassan al-Jidd was present at the bombing scene on the Beirut seafront in February 2005.

Hussam told Hizbullah’s al-Manar TV station that al-Jidd was near HSBC Bank -- which is only 400 meters away from the blast scene -- when the bombing went off.

Hussam had claimed he had been coerced into fingering Syria in Hariri's murder.

The U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon tasked with probing Hariri’s assassination said Thursday it had set a provisional date in March next year to begin a trial over the 2005 bomb attack.

The trial was tentatively scheduled to start on March 25, 2013, the STL said in a statement, although the four defendants remain at large.

In June 2011, the Netherlands-based court issued arrest warrants for four members of Hizbullah: Mustafa Badreddine, Salim Ayyash, Hussein Anaissi, and Assad Sabra.

Interpol has also issued a "red notice" on the suspects, but so far the Lebanese authorities have failed to arrest them and Hizbullah has denied responsibility.

Nasrallah has dismissed the tribunal as a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy and vowed that no member of Hizbullah would ever be found or arrested.

Comments 19
Thumb andre.jabbour 22 July 2012, 22:25

Amazing news. Send him to the Netherlands. If you send him to Beirut, HA will have him killed.

Missing marmaroun 22 July 2012, 22:49

And boooooummmm to the terrorist hassan nasrallah!!! Moufajakaaaat ya shitan inta ya hassan!!! All my respect to the fsa! After all, they showed they have benn the most courages people of all arab revolution!!! The oranginas, who ban fron there forum any person who insult syrian official, are getting more and more screwed day after day!!! Eveb thought i am not a Hariri follower, i would love to see him do his coming back through Damascus!!! I cant imagine the faces of the oranginas and its psycho leader in rabieh!!! That moment is coming soon

Thumb primesuspect 22 July 2012, 23:50

I don't love Hariri neither, but unlike the others He doesn't have blood on his hands. Allah yi7mee.

Default-user-icon El libano (Guest) 22 July 2012, 23:03

is it only me or does this video look like it's set-up? it's fake.

Thumb jcamerican 23 July 2012, 00:38

I guess case is closed. But why is he captured, and why he wants to come to Beirut.

Thumb primesuspect 23 July 2012, 01:08

It's a trap! He wants to go to Beirut because he believes that the Syrian proxies (HA, FPM, Marada, Amal) will be able to set him loose. Saad Hariri isn't in Beirut as his life is threatened by those who assassinated his father.

Missing samiam 23 July 2012, 00:49

Get this guy to the Hague quickly and then lets guess what Hassan will say next...

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (Guest) 23 July 2012, 01:13

Why sending him to beirut? It's safer to send him to Tel Aviv! The minute he's going to cross the border to Lebanon if he has any threatening information he will be executed on sight. Send him to Turkey or to Jordan instead!

Thumb shab 23 July 2012, 01:53

Could be the Syrian regime sold him out and his "surprise" will be that it was the 4 dead regime high ranking who had Hariri killed. Anything so Assad goes free.

Missing castro@46 23 July 2012, 03:01

Was this guy walking the streets with a sign over his head saying I have information about Hariri`s assassinations please arrest me .A low budget B grade movie has a better story to believe then this story ,however if it is true don’t send him to Beirut too many corrupt people running the country and will set him free ,put him on a plane and fly him straight to the Netherlands .

Thumb extramildcake 23 July 2012, 07:19

I don't understand why everyone's saying he should be taken to the Haque immediately. Don't you think that if he had any important information, he would have disclosed it during these past seven years?

Thumb primesuspect 23 July 2012, 15:15

Now and only now can he speak freely. He's unemployed and can spit out the truth.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 23 July 2012, 08:47

The STL doesn't need anymore this Hussam Hussam thing! There is too much converging forensic evidence showing who commited the filthy crimes , not to mention the recent murder attempts on Geagea and Harb in particular, where the ink (Mahmoud Hayeck) to Hizobollah is cristal clear. Always Hizbollah operatives, in a Hizbullah division manned by locals , and run untlimately by the basij, who are on the paymaster. So the basij call the shots,direct, and the Dahyé hidden rat's role is only a media appearance from time to time to cover-up those brutal planned premeditated cold-blooded murders!

Thumb geha 23 July 2012, 08:56

they used to talk about false witnesses? well this one will have a lot to say :)

Missing people-power 23 July 2012, 09:38

Exactly right geha... the March 8 cabal, full of murderers, collaborators, traitors, liars and hyppocrites, resigned from the last government over the issue of the so-called "false witnesses". Have we heard one peep from them about "false witnesses" since they formed their one color cabinet? Nope. And yet they still gave complete funding to the STL.

More proof that the "false witnesses" issue was a phony distraction to try to discredit the STL, and also an excuse to cause a coup d'etat against the elected government.

Default-user-icon Poshy Fattashto (Guest) 23 July 2012, 15:13

Hussam looks very relaxed to me. Once an actor, always an actor. Hey hopless hopefuls and ya m3alla2in bi 7ibal al hawa, go play bel arb4a, wleh

Thumb primesuspect 23 July 2012, 15:17

He's Syrian and was a witness against Hizb that Bachar kept safe in case he needed to use him should Nasrallah try messing with him one day.

Missing allouchi 23 July 2012, 17:36

Thank you FSA...

Default-user-icon dizer (Guest) 23 July 2012, 21:34

Where is Grendizer when we need him ?!