Saniora Accuses Cabinet of Covering Up Assassinations by Blocking Telecom Data

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Al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc leader MP Fouad Saniora accused on Saturday the cabinet of covering up for “criminals and assassination groups,” wondering if Prime Minister Najib Miqati is waiting until all the opposition leaders are “liquidated” until he decides to hand over the telecommunications data.

“The citizens are wondering if the assassination bids returned while the cabinet is still under the influence of the political rift,” Saniora said at a national gathering in Majdelyoun.

He pointed out that the cabinet is fully aware that the only way to uncover the assassination bids is by allowing the security agencies to obtain the telecom data, “isn’t it suspicious” that they are blocking the agencies from obtaining it?”

The March 14 opposition coalition has held the government responsible for the assassination bid on Harb for withholding the telecom data to uncover similar plots.

MP Butros Harb was the target of a murder attempt on Thursday after residents of a building in which his office is located in the Beirut district of Badaro discovered individuals trying to booby-trap the elevator.

“They tried to assassinate (Lebanese Forces leader) Samir Geagea, then they tried to murder MP Butros Harb, is he (Miqati) waiting until all the members of the opposition are liquidated?” Saniora wondered.

He lashed out at the cabinet, describing it as “a government with no vision.”

Saniora addressed the centrists in the state, saying “that the continuing obstruction of the telecom data is a decision to assassinate all those who are opposing the arms of Hizbullah and the cabinet.”

He stressed that the March 14 forces want to expose those who are behind the assassination bids.

Saniora stated that the illegitimate arms are “shutting the mouths, silencing the media, collapsing cabinets and forming others.”

“The problem is with the illegal arms,” he said.

He said that the current cabinet can’t oversee the upcoming 2013 elections, noting that there is still time to form a salvation cabinet, “before it’s too late.”

Comments 19
Missing allouchi 07 July 2012, 20:50

Fouad Saniora is the voice of wisdom and moderation...

Missing freemind 08 July 2012, 01:32

he's not the voice of anything but the Voice of America.
(or the dog of America, if u prefer)

Missing peace 08 July 2012, 02:15

like aoun was remember ;) hehehe

Default-user-icon HA (Guest) 08 July 2012, 10:03

haha you must have bought solidere shares then.
No one politician has vision, wisdom. Thats why lebanon is like it is. And people like you supporting those people have led the counrty to chaos.

Default-user-icon Milad (Guest) 07 July 2012, 20:51

It's criminal's like Saniora that should be wiped out or locked up for life for stealing from the state and it's people. He has no respect for the law and understands there are rules and laws in place which control the release of such data. Nobody can release this data except for the judiciary which is independent from politics. Saniora - we have furnished a beautiful dark and smelly cell for you in this space you thief dressed in a suit and wearing glasses.

Default-user-icon Michael (Guest) 07 July 2012, 20:53

What if the assassins were using Satellite phones you moron? No data would exist. Stop trying your best to fool the Lebanese.

Thumb benzona 07 July 2012, 20:57

I don't like Fouad, personality wise but I agree with these statements. +1 for him

Thumb bigsami 07 July 2012, 22:09

I agree Benzona.

Thumb lebanon_first 07 July 2012, 21:15

I don't like him either. But he is an institution builder.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 07 July 2012, 21:44

it is too late for u fouad and ur saada hariri...u are losing the street for the salafi assir,the people will not accept ur cowardness anymore.

Thumb bigsami 07 July 2012, 22:08

Look who's calling who "pathetic scumbag" and your low-life conditioned monkeys should know why HA took over the government with a priority to control the telecom sector so they can go about freely assassinating those who stand in their way. Wake up you fool!

Thumb lebanon_first 07 July 2012, 23:09

siniora might have stolen quite a bit from lebanon, including from rafic hariri. But he did build an infrastructure of finance in the country. (so now thanks to him, we are paying more taxes- by we, i mean Beirut and mount lebanon. - mixed blessing?). also at one point he had the courage to try to control army expenses, he got a bunch of soldiers who came to beat him up- courtesy of Berri.
I dont know if i can blame him as a finance minister for the assassinations. For that I blame the thugs aligned with HA (jibril, psns, bath...) those foreign parasites sucking off Lebanon and living here

Default-user-icon Same old song (Guest) 07 July 2012, 23:20

Hey karim_m1, if you are the "cream of crop" as far as spin doctors go, then those who hired you are in deep S&*t! Subtlety is key in your profession,but then again how would you know that given your level of ignorance and ineptitude. In other words, you are a dumb ass and no one is buying it...

Missing peace 08 July 2012, 01:08

funny how M8 quickly forgets the billions stolen by the assad regime and want to find only one or two scapegoats to support their propaganda...
(oh! by the way, it s not me saying that aoun said that when in france! alzheimer kids!)

Missing peace 08 July 2012, 12:28

oh! funny how selective your memory can be... the majority of M8 are former collaborators of assad...and you blame only a few people from M14! LOL
i suggest you to educate yourself by reading all the speeches your puppet held in the past and who he accused then of stealing the country!
you are so intellectually dishonest but it isnt surprising from someone whose leader prostituted himself to his former enemies for money....

Missing cedars 08 July 2012, 04:54

Let us get one thing clear: Ghazi Ke3an was liquidated as well as Imad Mughnieh IN SYRIA so that the Assassination spree in Lebanon from 2005-2011 and the work of the International Organization would hit the wall. 4 Members of HA are accused and wanted for being the executors, those who are playing with fire today (i.e. Ja3Ja3 and Boutros attempts) are not as professional as the previous scumbags (i.e. Ken3an and Mughnieh boys). Bottom line is: It is not Israel or America but rather Syrian/Iranian backed dirty shabiha/militia who are creating this instability. HA submits their weapons then there is no excuse for any individual in Lebanon to carry a gun. If exceptions are made then simply put we are going to have another war because everyone is going to carry weapons.

Missing big-pap 08 July 2012, 11:28

Who the crap hell Saniora thinks he is? He is the first person that should be punished,even before those political assasination killers including attempts,dragging us into the worst economical stage in Lebanon History! F*** All the Lebanese Politicians, i don't give a damn about any seriously! But this guy shouldn't be judging anyone!!!

Thumb justice 08 July 2012, 23:00

go check your facts idiot.... take off your sectarian mask and read some economic indicators pertaining to our economic growth during the Saniora governments! insignificant useless sub par human indeed!

Default-user-icon Lebanese patriot (Guest) 08 July 2012, 12:05

Yes you have 10 fingers