Malfunction in IMEWE Cable behind Internet Services Breakdown

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Telecommunications Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui confirmed on Thursday that the breakdown in internet services in Lebanon is due to a malfunctioning IMEWE cable in Alexandria in Egypt.

“We’re working on transferring the services to the cable in Cyprus,” Sehnaoui told LBC TV.

IMEWE (India-Middle East-Western Europe) is an ultra-high capacity fiber optic submarine cable system which links India and Europe via Middle East.

On Wednesday, Ogero Telecommunications Company said in a statement that the repair process is underway to fix the malfunction.

Lebanon has been witnessing from the beginning of the week slow internet service, bringing it into a complete halt for several hours.

Comments 15
Default-user-icon Anonu (Guest) 05 July 2012, 15:11

Sad to see that there is no redundancy or planned backup. Lebanon does not take the internet seriously. If they did - how different would the country look today - politics aside? The internet is the lifeblood of small businesses and entrepreneurial start-ups. Its a basic utility today, like water or electricity. Oh - but we cant even get those working either...

Default-user-icon Gunny Hartman (Guest) 05 July 2012, 16:28

OK, that's with the cables, but Ms Sehnaoui what is your major malfunction, numbnut? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?

Default-user-icon caligary (Guest) 05 July 2012, 16:45

Shame on this Minister, his cabinet, OGERO, whoever is involved in the design of the network, backbone, redundancy, etc... not justified no matter what the excuses are (if any).

Default-user-icon Serge (Guest) 05 July 2012, 18:29

No Electricity....
No Internet....
No Water....
No Roads....
Is this called a country...??

Default-user-icon Charbel (Guest) 05 July 2012, 18:52

Another Aounist....defending their bad ministers!
Of course shame on him! Why we are the only country that lost internet services between all the countries using that cable!!simply because he didnt think of a backup plan/ disaster plan!

You only good in Pointing fingers!


Default-user-icon charbel (Guest) 13 July 2012, 17:15

and y your genius ministers did not think of the backup plan three years ago ?

Default-user-icon ZaturN (Guest) 05 July 2012, 23:02

Not having redundancy is not true. There are multiple submarine cables landing in Lebanon and IMEWE is not the first and not the last to suffer a break. It happens all the time. Think twice before you accuse anyone of failures.

Default-user-icon Jade (Guest) 06 July 2012, 00:06

Redundancy does exist, we do have both the IMEWE (10 Gbps) and Kadmus (3 Gbps)(Cyprus)cables, but unfortunately the fight between Ogero and the MOT are driving the Telecom sector in Lebanon into the ground what a shame. lack of planning and coordination has caused this and it could have been avoided easily. And there is nothing wrong with country's core network it is all new an based on vendors such as Cisco, Ericsson and Alcatel. and regarding money, there is lots of it to cover the needs to bring Lebanon Data Services to the 20th century and there are people working hard to achieve this but their hands are tied in political red tape.

Default-user-icon Caligary (Guest) 06 July 2012, 13:22

@Jade, should we have or had redundancy then same QoS should be sustained basic rule to redundancy 10G vs. 3G is not to be considered redundancy in any book. And nothing wrong with the core network this brings us to way different argument, excellent KPIs on 3G 3G+ and 4G (we was proud to share that we have 4G in Lebanon), FTTH (yes we have FTTH based on the Minster to play games among friends, downloading and streaming) SHAME another Mb and MB issue, the Basic backbone, all switches and DSLAMs ports can cope with higher throughput or even available for the matter (try to get a new E1 or basic land line and see 24H service), ENOUGH we are and we will always have excuses and we continue to blame each others, we're paying premium for ZERO QoS in Lebanon basic voice channels on mobile are over occupied, SHAME on this Minster, because we may have taken a role that goes beyond his expertise, ZAID BAROUD example say the TRUTH he will then have more supporters than ever..

Missing peace 06 July 2012, 00:51

anyway internet in lebanon is theft! no proper services, no cheap high speed, no nothing... and lebanon boast itself of being a modern country? LOL! all is about mafias cornering the market....

Missing tarator 06 July 2012, 04:52

Stating that Lebanon can't afford redundancy is false and a lame excuse for bad and shortsighted planning.

The government makes an excessive amount of money on international bandwidth by imposing outrageously high tariffs on Internet service providers. Part of these net profits should have been rerouted towards redundancy.

Redundancy could have justified the government's insistence on making international bandwidth a cash cow for its hungry coffers. Imposing excessively high tariffs and still not being able to provide reliable service is proof of bad management.

As a solution for its ineptitude, the government could chhose to open the market of international bandwidth to fair competition. Had there been competition, private companies could have paid for and provided redundant solutions - as well as shouldered part of the responsibility for an Internet blackout. Since the government insists on being the only provider, it should have implemented redundant solutions.

Thumb 06 July 2012, 08:55

I haven't seen news from any other country mentioning a problem with IMEWE. Is this an invented story to justify some sinister scheme?

Has anyone else read about an IMEWE cut where the news is not related to Lebanon?

This country is really making me paranoid!

Default-user-icon Borat (Guest) 06 July 2012, 10:15

Even third world would be a compliment for such a country.

Default-user-icon lolpol (Guest) 15 July 2012, 19:11

dont worry all the countries are affected by it ..some more then others..
pakistan is in the same boat ..but there are no balckouts ..just very poor connections atm
fix the god damm cable :@ !

Default-user-icon Undersea Investigator (Guest) 19 July 2012, 09:34

This cable system is comprised of Alcatel-Lucent repeaters and NEC repeaters. 5 NEC have failed to date. This is probably another NEC repeater failure.