Russia, China Stress Rejection of Military Action against Syria, Iran

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Russia and China strongly oppose foreign military intervention in Syria or Iran, said a joint statement released on Wednesday after Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese leaders.

"Russia and China are decisively against attempts to regulate the Syrian crisis with outside military intervention, as well as imposing a policy of regime change, including within the Security Council," the statement said.

Developments in Syria "are significant for peace and stability in the Middle East and the entire world" and should be regulated through political dialogue among all participants of the conflict, it added.

The two countries also urged support for the peace plan put forward by U.N. special envoy Kofi Annan.

Russia and China "are convinced of the necessity of strengthening consolidated international support of (Annan's plan), and persuading all participants of the conflict to immediately stop armed conflict".

Arab and Western pressure has been mounting for tougher international action in the 15-month Syrian conflict.

And as rebel fighters stepped up their attacks in and around Damascus, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that regime change in Syria would lead the Middle East to "catastrophe".

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has voiced mounting frustration with the Chinese and Russian position, was to discuss the situation with allies in Istanbul later on Wednesday, a Turkish diplomatic source said.

Speaking in the Chinese capital, the Russian foreign minister urged the international community to resist calls from the exiled opposition to help oust President Bashar Assad's regime.

"(Opposition groups) outside Syria appeal to the world community more and more to bomb the Assad regime, to change this regime," Lavrov told reporters in the Chinese capital.

"This is very risky, I would even say it is a way that will bring the region to catastrophe."

Lavrov hit out at the rebel Free Syrian Army's announcement on Friday that it was no longer bound by a six-point peace plan brokered by Kofi Annan and endorsed by the U.N. Security Council in a resolution backed by both Beijing and Moscow.

"We do not accept the attempts to present the situation as if this resolution does not have to be followed, as was recently done by the Syrian opposition represented by the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Council," he said.

Lavrov said it was important for all states that have sway over Syria's opposition groups to convince them to stop escalating the situation.

He said Beijing and Moscow would continue in lockstep over Syria, opposing foreign intervention and forced regime change, and backing Annan's peace plan.

"We confirmed that we will coordinate our actions on Syria, and that the main thing right now is to carry out Annan's plan and the (U.N.) Security Council resolution," he said.

The two nations have vetoed two Security Council resolutions critizising Assad's regime, but they voted in support of Annan's blueprint to end the conflict, in which more than 13,500 people have died since March last year, according to human rights monitors.

The plan was supposed to begin with a ceasefire from April 12 but as violence has raged on daily despite the deployment of nearly 300 unarmed U.N. observers, doubts have emerged about its effectiveness.

Turning to Iran, the Russian-Chinese joint statement said the two countries oppose any use of force or unilateral sanctions against Tehran.

"Russia and China are against using military force or the threat of force against Iran, and do not approve of directing unilateral sanctions against it," the statement said.

The two countries have called for dialogue to find a diplomatic solution to the standoff over Iran's nuclear program.

In the statement, they warned that continuing confrontation around Iran "can lead to negative consequences not only for the countries in the region but the entire world community."

Comments 10
Thumb beiruti 06 June 2012, 16:48

Sure of course they are against it. These are two autocratic governments that reserve the right to do to their populations what Assad has done to his if it is necessary to the survival of their autocratic regimes. Therefore, they will strenuously be against creating precedents for international intervention under Responsibility to Protect (R2P) rationale or any rationale.
These are Westphalians. Committed to the integrity of the nation-state and state sovereignty. When it comes to the handling of domestic affairs and disputes, they want no supranational body looking over their shoulders or prosecuting them at The Hague for actions that they need to undertake in order to retain power.

Thumb jcamerican 06 June 2012, 17:56

I agree with you. @beiruti. Can you take the US or Israel to the Hague? That will be the day. US and Israel wants to run the rest of the world like sheep. If US or Israel care so much about democracy, the Assad family would have never lasted that long.

Thumb bigsami 06 June 2012, 19:29

LOL......FT! I know what else makes you happy....ASSad and company~

Thumb bigsami 06 June 2012, 23:28

FT....try to be original. You bore me & I beleive I speak for all of us. Pathetic.

Thumb cedar 06 June 2012, 20:03

Analysis = Russia and china won't confront the USA via military so Israel will attack Lebanon and Syria together within the next 6 weeks

Thumb jcamerican 06 June 2012, 20:22

You forgot Iran. Maybe sooner if you are lucky.

Missing peace 07 June 2012, 01:31

"if it means we go down with it, so be it. we will rid the world of this evil bully once and for all. "

wishes the death of M14, doesn t care if lebanon goes down: meaning ready to let women and innocent children get killed.. that is called patriotism the FPM way..

arrogance at its best and a big complex of superiority= it sums up FPM

Missing youssefhaddad 06 June 2012, 20:49

During the Soviet Union's power days Syria got beaten up badly in 1982 and not one Russian muscle twitched. Today all what Russia is doing is limited to keeping the troubles in the middle East brewing so the oil prices stay artificially inflated and so it could sell more weapons and supplies to the countries under embargo. Once any conflict starts the Putin gang will watch from a distance.
As for the Chinese they are a full fledged dictatorship which cannot openly support any freedom movements. They too will watch from a distance once the shooting starts.

Thumb chrisrushlau 06 June 2012, 21:25

Israel had to pay the Russians and Chinese big money to make that demand, letting Israel off the hook.

Missing m.c. 06 June 2012, 21:50

The real axis of evil are China and Russia. The world is a very dangerous place when humanity stops doing the right thing for its own personal gain and interest. Russia is posed to lose it's last ally in the Middle East and with the change of the Assad regime, it will exert no influence there and lose a bargaining point with the West. China will never support a regime change, the mere virtue of accepting it will endanger the Chinese regime and invite its own oppressed population to revolt against the world most corrupted government. We all could sit and debate this, the reality is, sooner or later, the regime will go and both these countries will find themselves at the curb with only Iran as an ally, for now, until that regime fades as well. In a modern era as such we live in today, democracy will continue to prevail.