Amnesty Calls for Independent Probe into Army Checkpoint Killings


Amnesty International urged the Lebanese authorities on Tuesday to launch an independent investigation rather than the one carried out by the army into the killing of Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Wahed.

The Sunni cleric and his companion Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Merheb were shot dead on Sunday at an army checkpoint in al-Kweikhat in the northern Akkar region.

Amnesty said three other people are reported to have been killed in clashes between rival groups in Beirut in the wake of the checkpoint shootings.

“It’s vital the probe into these killings is carried out by an independent body. It must be thorough, prompt and impartial as required under international human rights standards,” said Ann Harrison, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

“Anyone found responsible for abuses must be brought to justice without resort to the death penalty,” Harrison added.

Comments 10
Missing allouchi 22 May 2012, 14:26

Justice for all Lebanese...the killers if found guilty should be punished...enough killings without retribution.

Thumb geha 22 May 2012, 16:05

I seriously would like to know who is the one guy who did not like your comment! he must have disturbed mind....

Missing allouchi 22 May 2012, 17:18

geha, my guess will be an M8r that can't read but only knows how to click on the red color :)

Default-user-icon Mike (Guest) 22 May 2012, 14:39

For those of you who are naive and have no idea, Ann Harrison is a puppet in the hands of the CIA and Mossad. Thanks Ann for your comments, we were expecting these some time ago actually. There are a couple of other bodies we await to hear such comments from also. Trust me they will go into thin air. The Army has the trust of the people and the people couldn;t care less about you nor the Islamists nor about the Intelligence nor Corporate ruler's agenda.

Missing allouchi 22 May 2012, 15:19

@Mike (Guest), you are but another hater...we don't need more recists like you...

Missing kiserwaniaseel 22 May 2012, 20:32

take a hike little kid and rather than being embarrassed with your name, you should be proud of it and change your user name to Mohamad.

Thumb kesrweneh 22 May 2012, 15:21

it would be a glorious day when foreigners would stop dwelling into our affairs. We love respect and support the Lebanese army, and an armed convoy is an armed convoy whether it belongs to a Sheikh a priest or a guru, and the army did its job, too bad for the casualties...

Missing kiserwaniaseel 22 May 2012, 20:34

you are not from kesrwen as we do not have such garbage there.. and if armed convoys are illegal in all of lebanon then great! but while some can carry their weapons in the open and others are not allowed, then everyone should be allowed to carry!

Thumb geha 22 May 2012, 16:08

kesrweneh, keep spilling your hatred to others under the cover of defending the army....
the army apologized for what happened and they know hizbushaitan ordered this execution.
this does not mean the army is bad, rather it is inffiltrted by people executing external orders.

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 22 May 2012, 16:32

I'm not sure who Amnesty is, nor do we care.

Sunnis should know a foreign, non-Lebanese agent is making sure they enrage this solid and great community in order to put Lebanon in a vicious battle.

Sunnis should be aware of themselves. Be rational. Wrap around the government & army, their neighbors and fellow Lebnese citizens.