March 14 Seeks to End ‘Syrian Regime Dictates’

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The March 14 opposition coalition is planning to hold a large-scale meeting in an effort to end “the dictates of the Syrian regime” following deadly clashes that have left several people dead in Beirut and the northern port city of Tripoli.

Contacts have been made between the March 14 leaderships since the latest incidents erupted, An Nahar daily reported Tuesday.

Their consultations led to a decision to hold an emergency meeting in the coming few days to make a request that “puts an end to the authorities’ subordination to the dictates of the Syrian regime.”

The heads of opposition political parties and parliamentary blocs, and lawmakers will attend the meeting, An Nahar said.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and March 14 General-Secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid made the preparations for the meeting during talks in Maarab on Monday night, the daily reported.

Contacts have been made with the Phalange party in that regard and consultations with other parties and movements would continue in the coming hours, it said.

Comments 20
Missing reformist 22 May 2012, 09:09

It's funny! For once they will do something concrete. Put an end... To something that never existed :)
And they will take credit for it!
Karim : just an advice ta shreek! Tone down your words let's not be like them.

Thumb geha 22 May 2012, 16:15

such low comments from mawaten! when he does not have any argument to counter there goes the insults!
Guys, I propose to ignore comments from the following from now on:
mowaten, ft and keswerneh.
they always carry insults and lack any objectivity.
they are here just to stir strife.

Thumb geha 22 May 2012, 09:22

Actually our great country started changing when iran came in trying to change it to a farsi face.
we are an arab country, our livelyhood depends on the brains of lebanese working in the Gulf to get money sent back home.
it has always been like that for over 50 years now, and lebanon was prospering because of that, then came the syro/iranians.....

Thumb thepatriot 22 May 2012, 09:50

It is sad...sad to see people like karim who accept to be hijacked by Hezbollah or the syrian regime, and calls anyone else a dog... do you think hezbollah is better than fundamentalists?? same crap, different smell...but a goon like yourself does not have a very fine palet...

Thumb thepatriot 22 May 2012, 11:27

same crap FT...don't you get it ya retard!

Thumb thepatriot 22 May 2012, 11:32

"restrained & disciplined"... black shirts, Hanna, Antelias, Estonians, Priest Bekaa, Alcohool selling restaurants burned, May 7th, 2006 war,joumblat intimidation,Lhassa,arrests in iraq, philippines, US, Thailand, Egtpt, asraf al naas are sheep... stop mocking us and get a life FT!

Default-user-icon True Lebanese (Guest) 22 May 2012, 12:16

You're both idiots, haven't you learned anything from your parents? Don't they tell you war stories? and how everyone lost? Go rent some dvd's and take a look at how we burned our country to the this what you want? I sure as hell don't, not for Iran nor Syria nor the USA nor Saudi. Let them fight their own fucken wars on their soil, ours has been tainted many times with the blood of forefathers. You wanna fight for the Free Syrain Army or for the Regime's Army? Please go ahead and fight it in Syria and fuck off..we want to live and be free and happy you fucken Wahabi/Iranian pieces of shit

Default-user-icon Habib Tabrizian (Guest) 22 May 2012, 13:01

I as an Iranian think that Lebanon is not but a province of our country! It is a picture that one gets when our policy maker talk about Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Kam (Guest) 22 May 2012, 13:41

All you same posters are the broken record, like our politicians who have been there for 40 years...seriously, tired of reading the same arguments going left and right. We got it believe me, pro-west/GCC V/S pro-east/Russia/, any body cares to write about ideas to enhance our country?

Thumb thepatriot 22 May 2012, 15:03

I posted 8 ideas but naharnet censored them...I don't know why...

Missing big-pap 22 May 2012, 13:56

Habib Tabri ya IRANI enta as you call yourself, just SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE,i know and feel you r a lebanese kid so go back to your studies, you have exams coming up.

Thumb thepatriot 22 May 2012, 14:38

The difference ya mowaten is that you prefer one over the other...I dispise both of them! You can find all the excuses and interpretations to justify your "saint's" actions... The truth is that they only bring terror, instability, secterianism, radicalism, hatred,...

Missing peace 22 May 2012, 16:10

hahahaha! so funny as usual! thx for the laughs!

Thumb geha 22 May 2012, 16:11

your true colors are appearing from your comments lately.
you know it is all BS what you are saying, and empty.
your syrian masters are going down the drain as well as your hizbushaitan and that scares you more than anything alse, thus your comments are .... you are so naive if you think hizbushaitan reign over lebanon will remain for long.

Missing peace 22 May 2012, 16:17

funny thing that M8 praise hezbollah but hate the salafis... they are both the same:
hezbollah has a kalashnikov and a koran as symbols (but i guess it is not islamists signs!)
hezbollah pledge allegiance to iran and calls itself ISLAMIC resistance but not lebanese resistance
hezbollah put aside all the shia clerics wanting a pure lebanese shiism with nothing to do with iran to seize the power and elected their leader for life whereas before he was regularly elected...
both have social welfare to make people support them

really those who do not seee all the resemblances means they are brainwashed to the bones!

Thumb geha 22 May 2012, 16:19

ignore comments from the following:
their comments are full of hatred and insults. they do not deserve we waiste our time on them.

Thumb geha 22 May 2012, 16:21

ignore comments from the following:
their comments are full of hatred and insults. they do not deserve we waiste our time on them.

Default-user-icon Observer (Guest) 22 May 2012, 16:43

this is how it looks FT, mowaten, kesrweneh (...) from one side, slash, geha, peace (...) from the other, both in the same camp pre-2005 (looking at their points of agreement) which was dominated by their respective allies. Post-2005, they exchange insults to their allies: yours is sh***y, yours is even more

Don you think both allies hold responsibility over what happened?

Missing peace 22 May 2012, 17:02

"a request that “puts an end to the authorities’ subordination to the dictates of the Syrian regime.”

this is a fact. when M8 still obeys the syrian regime like in the past M14 is calling for independence.
M8 still praises the totalitarian regime and cites it as an example, they cannot be credible when talking of democracy.
M8 forgets what aoun said about syria (that the day they would leave they would leave all the intelligence apparatus and send islamist groups to destabilize lebanon!)
some M8 leaders go to syria to support the regime and say they want to be independant from what is going on!

M8 is just at the orders of bashar to keep their privileges and the arms of hezbollah, they do not care about lebanon!
they are helping israel by weakening the lebanese state and dividing the country thus preventing it to thrive economically: israel asks no more!

Thumb bigsami 22 May 2012, 20:00

Don't forget to add brainwashed goats aka Motormouth/CandleThrower and aliases.