2 RPGs Fired in Tripoli, Roads Blocked in Akkar, Bekaa, Naameh

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
  • W460
  • W460

Two rockets were fired on Monday in Tripoli, one landing in Jabal Mohsen and the other between Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh, a security official told Agence France Presse, as roads were blocked in several areas to protest the shooting death on Sunday of Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Wahed at an army checkpoint in Akkar.

The explosion of rockets did not cause any injuries, the official said.

Meanwhile, angry protesters blocked the main highway linking the South to Beirut in the Naameh area and several roads in the northern areas of al-Abdeh, Tal Abbas and Halba.

Roads were also blocked in several areas in the Bekaa Valley.

The army and the Internal Security Forces later managed to reopen most roads.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon Anonymus (Guest) 22 May 2012, 00:06

The Lebanese people should stick together and remain calm. Trying to fight is bad. Because the fight will end up in a civil war, and everyone will forget Syria. All they're trying to do, is to stress Lebanon, and make everyone forget about Bashar and the sitiuation in Syria. I wonder if there could pass, just a decade without any war in Lebanon. My heart is with Lebanon! Stay calm, stick together, and keep the Syrian conflict out of our borders, and let them solve their own problem. Let the Lebanese people enjoy their country with peace.. Give it a chance!
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Thumb primesuspect 22 May 2012, 00:35

Lovely news... Anything positive going on lately? I think the media wants to demoralize citizens...

Thumb kesrweneh 22 May 2012, 08:23

this is what M14 calls "al 3ubur 2ila al dawla" when Mikati was elected they burned Tripoli, now they are burning it again along with aakar, TAriq el jdiedeh....Great state those guys are preparing

Missing allouchi 22 May 2012, 14:34

M8 policies are pushing our country toward a civil war.

Missing allouchi 22 May 2012, 17:30

Separation of state and church, forbidding any political parties from receiving any foreign support and taking care of our economy and infrastructure are good first steps to protect our country.