Fayez Shukur Relays Assad’s Interest in Shaaban’s Death

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Baath Party leader Fayez Shukur relayed on Wednesday Syrian President Bashar Assad’s interest in the death of al-Jadeed television cameraman Ali Shaaban.

He said in a statement after holding talks with Assad in Damascus: “Assad also voiced his keenness on uncovering the details of the incident.”

In addition, he relayed the Syrian president’s “appreciation for the positive role professional and unbiased media plays in relaying the truth to the people, especially in light of the unprecedented media attack against Syria and its people.”

Shaaban was killed on Monday while performing his duty, along with two other colleagues, in the border region of Wadi Khaled.

Reporter Hussein Khreis and cameraman Abed Khayyat, who was lightly wounded in his arm, managed to escape after their car came under a volley of gunfire from the Syrian side of the border.

Shukur added that Assad had also expressed his interest over Lebanon’s security and stability, wishing the Lebanese people prosperity.

“A healthy Lebanon will serve Syria and the peoples of the region,” he quoted Assad as saying.

On the developments in Syria, the head of the Baath Party said that the Syrian president was satisfied with the political and security achievements that have been made.

“Efforts in the upcoming days will focus on imposing security and stability throughout Syria, especially in the regions that have witnessed violence by armed terrorist groups,” Shukur reported Assad as saying.

Popular anti-regime protests erupted in Syrian in March 2011.

The regime has retaliated by launching a violent crackdown against the demonstrators, which the United Nations estimates has left over 9,000 dead.

Comments 10
Default-user-icon Muhamada (Guest) 11 April 2012, 19:32

Go to hell with him

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 11 April 2012, 19:34

ASSad has "interest"? Just like he was going to release evidence in Moughnieh's death. Also he knows nothing about the death of Harriri.

I wish those guys had their camera's on so they could have shown the world how ASSad does not shoot into lebanon.

Missing fatoush 11 April 2012, 20:12

Alloush should have knocked him out :p

Missing ulpianus 11 April 2012, 20:23

Whatever you say Bashar. The uprising might be done by terrorist and armed gangs. you might be the best person on earth, very innocent and loving and caring about human rights.

But the fact is that you being in power is wrong. Even if you are a saint.

Missing samiam 11 April 2012, 21:07

So, what he is saying is that he is nothing but a tool of Bashar....

Missing cedars 12 April 2012, 03:14

The guy is dead, it is over for his family, Your liar is not going to bring him back, plus if you lie then most likely you're going to lie 9000 times. We have a Syrian ambassador in Lebanon to represent the Syrians, excuse me but what is exactly your role in Lebanon? what are you representing and what is the benefits of the Lebanese citizens from your seat? we need a new tsunami laws in Lebanon.

Missing cedars 12 April 2012, 03:15

You lie once most likely you'll lie 9000 times for the 9000 dead.

Default-user-icon Rubindo Borgueva (Guest) 12 April 2012, 04:06

la shukur 3ala wajeb, akhi.

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 12 April 2012, 06:35

This is really too much... I hope the butcher Assad swallows his lying tongue one day!

Missing allouchi 12 April 2012, 20:01

Fayez Shukur is Assad's dog but will turn on his master when the time comes...