Lebanon Online Delivery: Pick, Order and Eat


LOD (Lebanon Online Delivery) is an online service that allows customers to search for a local restaurant, choose from available items and make an order.

On Thursday, April 5, LOD gave a presentation at Seeqnce as part of the Startup Launch Series. You can watch the full video at the end of this post.

In the first part of the presentation the team explained the concept of LOD, the way they came up with the idea, the business model they apply as well as the biggest challenges they face.

In the second part of the presentation the team showed how the service actually works and tried an order.

Besides making an order, the service allows you to do things such as:

- Create a profile with multiple addresses

- Browse 100+ restaurants

- Filter the search by location, cuisine type, or restaurant name

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Comments 1
Default-user-icon Sami (Guest) 04 May 2012, 21:27

A great service, I Ordered from LOD.COM.Lb it worked perfect.
simple and easy to use