Hizbullah: U.S. Embassy, March 14 Associates in Power Involved in Arming Syria Rebels

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah on Sunday claimed that “there are some March 14 associates in power who are involved in facilitating arming and infiltration into Syria,” describing the U.S. embassy in Lebanon as “a military operations room against Syria.”

“The countries that conspired against Syria have admitted that they had engaged in an uncalculated adventure and nowadays we’re noticing how they have started tactical, political retreats,” Sheikh Nabil Qaouq, deputy head of Hizbullah’s Executive Council, said.

Since the start of the uprising against the Syrian regime in mid-March last year, several reports have suggested that arms were being smuggled from Lebanon into Syria to support the opposition, while major world powers -- including the U.S. -- so far have been opposed to arming the dissidents.

Qaouq noted that Lebanon was immune against any Israeli attempt to take advantage of the crisis in Syria, stressing that “had the Resistance not been strong and capable, Israel would have exploited the crisis in Syria to make up for its defeats in Lebanon.”

“The same as talk has started about tactical military withdrawals from (the Homs neighborhood of) Baba Amr and other regions, today we are witnessing tactical political retreats, in the vein of what happened yesterday in Cairo” during a meeting on Syria between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Arab counterparts, Qaouq added.

“Pro-U.S. Arabs backed down from their professed slogans and plots against Syria and agreed with Russia on a new initiative,” the Hizbullah official said, adding that “it is an official Arab acknowledgement that the objectives of the plot against Syria had failed.”

Slamming the rival March 14 camp, Qaouq accused the March 14 forces of “arming, financing and overseeing the attacks against Syria,” attributing that to “their ambitions to return to power at any price, even if that was over the bodies of the Syrian people.”

“There are some March 14 associates in power who are involved in facilitating arming and infiltration into Syria,” he added.

And as he stressed that “today the U.S. is as weak as ever and going through its worst days in the region, after its July 2006, Iraq and Egypt defeats,” Qaouq asked the March 14 forces: “Why are you heeding the orders of the ambassador of U.S. sedition in Lebanon?”

“The U.S. ambassador to Lebanon (Maura Connelly) is practicing incitement and trying to stir up sedition, and what’s more dangerous is that U.S. officers are overseeing the infiltration, armament and operations against Syria and that the U.S. embassy in Lebanon is a spy den and a military operations room against Syria,” he charged.

Comments 47
Missing mark 11 March 2012, 17:51

Stop the lies stupid, and save the Shia blod . Changes are coming and am sure you won't like them. People fighting for freedom are not spying to the west or Israel. In fact you are the most filthy cheap servant to the worst religious radish regime in the world.and futur will show that Iran Ian and Syrian regim who are I public fighting what call ashaytan al Akbar are in reality protecting them. People are awak now and the truth is clear. And your services are not needed any more. Soon will say na3iman ya Abbas to all this mafia.

Default-user-icon Imad (Guest) 11 March 2012, 18:13

mark: the truth hurt, isn't it?. Hezballah discover the what so-called-american- embassy earlier as simple spying cells, and now an arms smugglers. Pathetic!

Missing forces 11 March 2012, 22:29

and these guys are denying ever recieving arms from syria. hypocricy at its best. and the hezb members caught in syria.. no not us they say.

Default-user-icon Bobthebuilder (Guest) 11 March 2012, 18:10

And there are reports that you sent your grunts into Syria to help oppress the Syrian people along with your Iranian friends. So the question is, why shouldn't March 14th, USA or anyone for that help arm the Syrian people to defend their cities and eventually get rid of the tyrant?!

Thumb chrisrushlau 11 March 2012, 18:16

Careful how you talk to the first lawfully elected prime minister of Lebanon, under a majoritarian constitution, after the Taif Accord disappears from the pages of history.

Default-user-icon 133 rd (Guest) 12 March 2012, 03:28

How's that Stockholm syndrome treating you?

Missing aris 11 March 2012, 18:18

This is exactly our problem in Lebanon. We cannot live we these shite guys. Let them live alone and we would be very happy to have our own country and destiny. We christians are different and cannot live like these guys anymore. No thankyou

Thumb jcamerican 11 March 2012, 18:42

Christians are different. You are right. The massacre of Sabra and shatila. or the massacre of Marada in Ehden, or Ahrar in Safra marina. You say Hizballah are animals. At least they don't massacre their own kind. Do God a favor, stop calling yourself a christian.

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (Guest) 11 March 2012, 20:10

"their own kind" did you hear of May 7

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 11 March 2012, 22:38

You seem to know what God wants...a favor? and tell us, exactly what does God want and how do you really know?

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 11 March 2012, 22:48

How does this uneducated clown know what he claims as fact? Other than bias speculation or ignorance he has know way of factually knowing what the US is doing. He wishes it was true. He's subjectively connecting random dots to draw a deceptive picture. He is either stupid or dishonest, now which is it?

Missing forces 12 March 2012, 13:52

good point we should have let the PLO kill all the christians..
you are an idiot. no more stupid comments please!

Missing forces 12 March 2012, 13:51

Aris spot on.. everyone thinks it only some say it. If we had a Christian state we all know it would be economically and culturally superior, then we may get invaded by the beggers, nah wouldn't work.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 11 March 2012, 18:19

Show your evidence. We all want to see it. By the way tell us about the funerals held for the dead Hezz killers you sent to Syria. Then tell us how you are a resistance and do not get involved in other countries.

Tell us also about your drug manufacturing and selling.

Missing castro 11 March 2012, 23:54

The same rhetoric.

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 12 March 2012, 10:39

It is a big deal. It has always been a big deal. People that are being oppressed and now slaughtered will always be a big deal. Also, unless you are there how the hell do you form your bias opinions but via the media. So who is your master FT? Everybody has one and don't say the "truth." The truth is only subjective once filtered through the eyes of the man. Are you a man?

Missing samiam 11 March 2012, 18:27

And yet no word on how they received their weapons through Syria...

Hypocrisy, learn the definition before people accuse you of it. Arms smuggling both ways is bad--stop only pointing out the one you disagree with.

Missing castro 11 March 2012, 23:54

Bla bla bla

Missing forces 12 March 2012, 13:49

sure I would approve if I had a thousand guns pointed at my head and threatened if I disapproved. Just a thought, No Hezbmullah , no israeli threat of retaliation, no war maybe a little peace. BTW I am sick of hearing about the palestinan cause, didn't tey cause the mess in Lebanon? why is hebmullah supporting them, are they lebanese or wait for it .Iranis. I've just re-invented the wheel..

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 12 March 2012, 14:48

@FT, you usually can debate the issues very well. I specially read your post because most of the time it causes me to ponder and rethink my opinions on important issues. However, on this one your position is weak. I sense you can do better, I've honestly come to expect better analysis from you. I invite you to continue to live up to the standards you have established for yourself. Good Luck!

Missing youssefhaddad 11 March 2012, 18:30

Hezbollah's nervousness is prominent in its leaders statements. Their best and only friend in the Arab world is fighting for his life while their Iranian regime is desintigrating from within.
The followers of Hezbollah should abandon the party before it leads them to another major disaster which, this time, will have irreversible consequences.
save Lebanon and leave the Iranian sinking ship.

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 11 March 2012, 18:36

Let's hypothetically assume that instead of Syria having 18 million Sunnis with only 1 Million Allawet who are governing, the 18 Millions were Shia, wouldn't Huzbullah send armed to the Syrian to topple the regime? If the Shai in lebanon who are nearly a million, Iran sent them more than 35 thousand missles, what would have been the case if the 1 Million were the 18 million of syria. Syria is for the Sunnis no matter what because they are the absolute majority no matter what Assad does. The Shai in lebanon who are less than 30% once demanded to make Lebanon a Muslim state giverned by a style tamntamount to Iran. This clerk is certainly in another world thinking that we are so stupid to believe his stories.

Missing helicopter 11 March 2012, 20:22

I agree with most of your analysis but disagree on one point. Syria is for all its citizens not just for Sunnis. Any civilized country with a fair constitution will ensure equal rights for all its citizens. THis is why the Middle East is in such a mess, every group wants to assume power to the exclusion of others. Remove religion from politics and let everyone be equal under the law.

Thumb geha 11 March 2012, 18:38

just one question: what is the iranian embassy doing ????? :)

Missing anonymoustxusa 11 March 2012, 18:42

Qaouk Do you really beleive what you are saying.
Iran is suffering from bankrupcy - their currency dropped dramatically, they couldn't even pay India for the rice they purchased.
Iran is surrounded from all sides by US military basis, ready at any moment to wipe out Iran military capabilities.
Syria Assad regime is fighting for its own survival, counting only on its military to survive, if West decide to destroy Assad's military from the ski like they did in Libya, then its is game over for Assad in a matter of weeks.
Hamas already retreated - and negated its alliance with Syria/Iran's regime.
And you still claim that you are victorious...wake up man...USA is just toying with Iran and Syria regime...it is slowly but surely squeezing the ropes around them...tactical cat and mouse game should not deceive you from the strategic deterioration of Iranian and Syrian regime position.

Missing anonymoustxusa 11 March 2012, 23:50

FT weak response
China & Russia were unable to help their ally Qadafi. What makes you think that they can help Bashar.
Don't mistake attempts to solve the Syrian problem peacefully with weakness or complacency
At first they asked Bashar to make reform which he first rejected and continued his bloody clampdown. They then asked Bashar to step down peacefully which he also refused
Now they are trying to find a way to oust him in a manner that will safeguard Syria from sliding into civil war, and also they are working on the after Assad scenario.
Iran can manufacture anything - lets see if they can manufacture anything without the raw materials that they can't buy, or the rice they can't pay for. Pathetic response FT

Missing castro 11 March 2012, 23:55

Give it up and get some rest. Or you know what, carry on keep us entertained.

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 12 March 2012, 15:05

@FT, I know you can do better than this response. First, no one has forgotten Russia or China. China owns approxiamately 6% of US debt, thats all. The vast magority of US debt is owned by Americans in the form of T bills and Bonds. China is a robust trading partner with the US. The US economy is recovering with decreasing unemployment, low interest rates, no inflation, expanding GDP, etc. etc. Its simply an economic cycle. Irans economy is decreasing at a very fast pace, i.e. 50% inflation. Lets try to present factual info, don't you agree?

Thumb thepatriot 11 March 2012, 19:06

Pathetic Liar!

Missing anonymoustxusa 11 March 2012, 19:17

Let me remind you that HA admitted that they sent HA members to Egypt, and were sending arms to Hamas through Egypt. Even though the Lebanese Government offical stand was not interfere in Egypts' internal affairs.
Let me remind you that HA sent its fighters to help the Houthy Shia clans in Yemen to fight against Saleh's government, and also launched attacks against Saudi Arabia soil.
Let me remind you that Al-Bashir goverment in Sudan admitted that HA sent its members to train and assist Al-Bashir forces in their genocidal campaigns in Darfur.

Thumb shab 11 March 2012, 19:18

Every other day some turban mongol from the filthy militia throws threats towards the Lebanese. What's wrong with these people? What kind of a God do they worship? Leave us alone, we want to live !

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (Guest) 11 March 2012, 19:59

the plan that toppeled mou3amar kazafi worked in libya but failed to get its objectives in syria
the syrian regime succeeded in its first battle with the help of the 2 vetoes
now the money war will start , they will try to cripple syria economicaly until the regime or its big heads fall
as for lebanon
all the parties now kataeb ...even mustaqbal and 14 march trying to get close to hizballah , cause the order came and it says
dabro halkoun bihalkoun

Missing mark 11 March 2012, 20:05

Very soon, the Russian just got their check.

Default-user-icon a saintly saint (Guest) 11 March 2012, 20:06

But Nabil dude, the guy Jaafar that was actually arrested in the Bekaa for selling arms to Syria was a brother member of Hezbollah and just a thugs arms dealer out to make a quick buck.

Missing minlibnan 11 March 2012, 20:12

An armed rebel group in lebanon AKA HA is diff how?? God damn double standards will lead you to disaster ya qassem afandi and your mafia.

Missing helicopter 11 March 2012, 20:26

It should be simple. M-14 do not take orders from US or KSA, M-8 do not take orders from Syria or Iran. M-14 does not send weapons to Syrian rebels and M-8 stops all weapon entry from Syria and give what is in their possession to the Lebanese army. M-14 stops accepting money for KSA and M-8 stops doing same from Iran and Syria. M-14 and M-8 stop stealing and dividing people by sect and tribe so we can have a viable and progressive country.

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 11 March 2012, 20:56

Same old double talk, these losers should go out and find real jobs preferably in Iran.

Speaking about getting a job... Jabable should be here soon posting his 101 idiotic comments, well it is realy the same coment just a hundre and one times. Jabable you have a blockage somewhere in your intestines and it is forcing the crap to come out of your month, get some help!

Default-user-icon guest (Guest) 11 March 2012, 23:59

Praying and fasting will not help. 1975 will help

Default-user-icon this is.. (Guest) 11 March 2012, 22:11

Iraq and Egypt defeats? So it should be OK with you if groups similar to what they have in Iraq and Egypt took over in Syria... umm tell me champ how hot is it under that turban?..

This is your brain
This is your brain under the turban

Default-user-icon Lubnani (Guest) 11 March 2012, 22:28

The Hizbos are simply obssesed with the USA. I mean the irony here they talk trash all the time and call them the great satan, yet they use the very US$ for their dealings. They probably own things made in the US and don't even know it. I am a shiite and so despise these stooges. It's a shame when I visited last year that I see the Iranian flag hoisted on some building, along with Hizbos flag. Lebanese flag? No where to be seen.

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 12 March 2012, 10:47

@Lubnani, It is ironic. The vast magority of American have no clue who Hezzbollah is nor to they give a shit. They have more concerns than knowing about some irrellavent thugs in a tiny country 7000 miles away. On the other hand, Hezzbollah seems to believe that America is obsessed with them. Nothing could be further from the truth. For Americans, Hezz is insignificant and very irrellavent.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 12 March 2012, 00:15

If the US was arming the rebels, they'd have a lot better weaponry. Huzb Allah pulls facts out of its behind while helping the Syrians kill their own people.

Missing helicopter 12 March 2012, 01:12

Maybe we can start a grass root movement that will accelerate the event.

Default-user-icon TruthHurt (Guest) 12 March 2012, 02:39

The question about filth remains up for grabs, what militia and mafia assassinated all those people and tapped on the Government telecom network? their deeds:
Rafik Harriri-Hawi-Kassir-Tueni-Gemayel-GhaziKanaan-Alikanaan(histbrother)-Hobeika-Mouawad-Mufti-WisamEid and more...


Thumb beiruti 12 March 2012, 05:25

Sort of funny, isn't it how this guy Qauwk can get up and point the finger at M14 accusing it of smuggling arms to the Syrian Opposition when Qauwk's gang, Hezbollah, has not only sent arms but men to Syria to help kill unarmed Syrian civilians.
Before you accuse others, my friend of becoming involved in a neighbor's problems, first you end your envolvement, otherwise, your hypocracy is showing through your turban.

This guy genuinely looks foolish saying these things when he is busy engaged in the activity that he pretends to condemn.

Default-user-icon assaad (Guest) 12 March 2012, 11:22

don't be angry guy's, he is speaking to his people. not to you. people who trust him and believe anythink he say.

Missing lebanesesyrian 12 March 2012, 20:57

Dont kid yourself bro, they couldnt care less about syrians, they are only trying to settle score with el mojrem bashar.