Miqati Says Decision on Leasing Power-Generating Vessels Pending
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةPrime Minister Najib Miqati refuted reports that he is seeking to reject the leasing of power-generating vessels to end the country’s lingering electricity crisis, local newspapers reported on Thursday.
Miqati informed ministers during a cabinet session held at the Grand Serail on Wednesday that the decision hasn’t been made yet, saying that it all depends on the committee tasked with finding a solution to Lebanon's electricity sector, according to An Nahar newspaper.
The electricity crisis debate emerged back to the surface after media reports said that Miqati is seeking to refuse the leasing of the ships, while the officials are mulling the possibility of receiving a back-up from Iran.
Energy Minister Jebran Bassil expressed his surprise at the reports concerning the vessels, saying “advisors headed to the United States and Turkey to ponder the tenders offered.”
According to al-Joumhouria newspaper, the cabinet agreed on inking a deal with Iran to begin supplying Lebanon with power.
Media reports said that Iran will provide Lebanon with 25 megawatts of power starting April, which would reach 100 megawatts in September, if the two sides agreed.
Bassil told reporters that the agreement was adopted by the government led by PM Saad Hariri in 2010, but it wasn’t issued.
He denied that the deal with Iran seeks to provide Lebanon with electricity. “The media exaggerated the deal with Iran as the agreement states that Lebanon welcomes an agreement with Tehran to fund Lebanon with $450 million to help it rehabilitate its electricity sector.”
In February, Iran said that it will supply Lebanon, Syria and Iraq with 1,300 megawatts of electricity within a couple of months, whereby Iraq would get 1,000 megawatts while Syria and Lebanon would share the remaining amount.
Lebanon has long suffered from electricity outages because of shortages at its power plants whose maximum capacity is less than 1,500 megawatts but the country’s actual need exceeds 2,300 megawatts.
What a third world country? In the old days ATT came to Lebanon and wanted to provide electric and phone services to all the lebanese. BOT. The government refused. They cannot steal.
allah yerhamak ya Georges frem , hope the people who fired him burn in hell whoever they are ,
This one step on a Very long path, coupled with the renovation of Zouk and Zahrani power plants and transforming them to work on natural is gas is the final aim of the new Bassils plan, so let's cross fingers and hope no "politics" will hinder that.
Complete utter irrational brain washed nonsense. Before the war, GMA drew a military salary but now he is a millionaire and you never once stop and ask where the money came from but you have no problem labeling every body else thieves. Here is a news flash for you, all politicians are theives anywhere and everywhere, that's how politics works and politics was invented to achieve: create wealth and power for the elite few so they can oppress the many.
we should punish the culpirts who got us in this mess ie the people who fired allah yerhamo the late Georges frem
happy those who believe any lebanese gvt will do anything for the electricity problem... in 25 years what did they do? ... nothing!
proving how irresponsible politicians are and those re electing them !
Solution is easy:
Buy 200 units of offshore 5MW Wind Turbines for installed cost of $5Mio/Unit . It will give Lebanon an Extra 1,000 MW capacity at a total cost of $1 Bio, Initial cost is high but it will more then make up for it by its "low maintenance" costs and "Zero refueling" costs. If Dannemark can generate 20% of its electricity from Wind turbines, i don't see why Lebanon can't have the same.
Maybe you and your master the leader of the Party of Evil can release us hostages from your reign of terror and then we as FREE human beings can decide what to do about the electricity file and our future.
slash, Da7yieh is under occupation by a foreign enemey led by a domestic grown terrorist who is the leader the Party of Evil which in turn is oppressing at least 50% of the Lebanese populaton at gunpoint. We will soon free Da7hieh and take Lebanon back. They will not have their weapons forever.
Nag? Do you even have a job sir? Do you live at your keyboard. You are always so ready to share your wisdom with us. I wonder if we should be greatful or curse our luck for the displeasure of having to read your posts.