What have investigations revealed about rockets fired at Israel?

While no party has claimed responsibility for the rockets that were fired at Israel on Saturday, the Lebanese Army has arrested two Syrians in the South and questioned them as witnesses, security sources said.
“The estimations indicate that a ‘suspicious side’ was behind the rocket attack, which has only served the Israeli interest,” the sources told al-Joumhouria newspaper.
“The attack’s perpetrators did not only use primitive launchpads, but also placed near them a Hezbollah flag and a picture of former Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, which easily unveiled the objectives and intentions,” the sources said.
“The Israeli side immediately exploited the incident to wage intensive airstrikes on areas north of the Litani, in the South and the Bekaa, based on a pre-prepared bank of targets, which confirms that it was the main and only beneficiary from the parentless rockets,” the sources added.
A military source later told AFP the army detained two Syrians who were "working as guards at a farm near the rocket-launching site."
The Syrians reported seeing a car with several men who set up the launchers and fired the rockets before leaving, the source said.